This morning I woke up way early to a weird smell. I woke up my husband when I realized it was natural gas and we do have a gas furnace! After we decided I wasn't paranoid (1 min) we opened some windows and got all of us out. Owen was really confused that we were all out for the morning potty- with his kennel. So we went over to our neighbors - who actually had our friend house sitting and hung out waiting for the gas company. Owen was a nut job. Our neighbors have 3 labs but they were with them on vacation. He went nuts sniffing and smelling- barked like nuts. I'm like.. Owen SHHHHH it is 5:30am. So we played- meaning I held the rope while laying on the couch and let him go nuts. He also peed on one of their dog beds!? At least I caught him and there was a blanket over the bed that I picked up and put in the wash before anything seeped through.

Those girls (the labs) are going to be pissed. They always give Owen a slight look of disdain when they are all out for potty. They are Search and Rescue trained so they don't play with other dogs. Owen is always a little confused by that.

There was a small leak in a connector and since the furnace is so old it pulled the gas via the intake and blew it all over the house :) hense the small leak making a big smell. So we are home now, tired. And now Owen is asleep under my chair.

In other news it has also started to frost at night and in the morning Owen is learning that it is cold and now crunchy. He looked a little horrified yesterday according to my husband, "DAD- who did this to the grass?!"

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Comment by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on November 26, 2008 at 7:02pm
Glad to hear everyone is ok!
Comment by Stephanie & Lola on November 26, 2008 at 4:01am
Oh man! I'm glad everyone is ok!! Lola hates the crunchy grass in the morning =)
Comment by Worthington Natalia on November 25, 2008 at 6:21pm
dang.....that sure is stressful....glad you are ok now.
Comment by Karen & Bailey on November 25, 2008 at 5:47pm
Thank goodness you are ok!!
Comment by Renee on November 25, 2008 at 4:06pm
That's always scarey. Glad everyone is OK.
Comment by Sam Tsang on November 25, 2008 at 2:41pm
oh my.... glad you guys are okay :)
Comment by Michelle on November 25, 2008 at 1:36pm
Be mean like me when my two act like lunitics and get me up early.....wake them up every time they drift off to sleep because they are soooooooo tired....hehehehe. They always look at me like "what the????!!!"
Comment by Kelly on November 25, 2008 at 12:45pm
Yikes, that's no fun! I'm glad everything is ok.

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