My boy is so sick. The vets are doing all they can to try to figure out why he is vomiting and has diarrhea with traces of blood. So far they are ruling out blockages, the pancreas and his gall bladder, they have now sent stool samples to the lab to test for Giardia. He won't eat, he hasn't eaten in days, he is drinking so that's a plus. They prescribed food for him that he won't get near. I am trying to be strong for my kids (who are stressed out) but every time I look at him I just want to cry. He is never unsupervised outside and none of our other dogs show any signs of this at all. I just keep praying for him and trying to trust the vets will figure this out (we do have great vets)~ Sorry, I just needed to vent to people who understand Corgi love~

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Comment by Bev Levy on August 11, 2009 at 8:35pm
Any word yet?
Comment by AkMotleyGal on August 9, 2009 at 3:21pm
I got him to take some pepto (that's an interesting adventure) and he hasn't puked since yesterday. He isn't eating on his own, my daughter and I managed to get some of the prescription food down him (same way I did the pepto). He isn't running a fever, he is still drinking, he isn't very energetic but he will still follow me around. The test results they are running should be in tomorrow (I hate waiting), thank you all for your kindness, concern and prayers (we have all been doing a lot of praying)! It's hard for him to really get in to anything, I run a daycare and everything is locked up or away. We are all really fanatical about it. Now it's just waiting....Thanks again!
Comment by Nikki on August 9, 2009 at 11:42am
my prayers go out to u and also this happened to my baby colt. they found out that he ate a rodidenern plant i know i spelt it wrong but maybe that could be it, Please keep us updated
Comment by Edward and Gemima on August 9, 2009 at 11:30am
So sorry to hear that I hope he will get well soon.
Comment by Nicole, Stanley and STELLA! on August 9, 2009 at 11:09am
I hope he's feeling better! I know it's so difficult to wait for test results while he's so sick. I had this experience with my last dog. Hopefully they will find out and get him medicine soon.
Comment by Cindi on August 9, 2009 at 9:40am
Any news on Zim??? How's he doing? We're all concerned.
Comment by Roger/Laurie on August 9, 2009 at 8:53am
Tenby and Chepstow send Corgi kisses to you and your family. Hope Zim is feeling better very soon.
Comment by Jane Christensen on August 9, 2009 at 8:03am
Hope Zim is feeling a little better this am...ok alot better...
Comment by Vicki and Christina Brown on August 9, 2009 at 1:26am
We are praying for Zim!! How old is he?
Comment by Geri & Sidney on August 9, 2009 at 12:09am
OH geez, this is such a tough thing to be going through. I hope the vets find the answer soon and Zim gets back to his happy healthy self.

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