So I play with Benny daily and feed him pet him etc. he cries all of the time non stop it's been going on now for about a week he is healthy and everything. He just cries and cries and cries over nothing! I don't know what to do it's driving me crazy. I understand he is a puppy but he cries more now then he ever did. He will be 6 months next week. He will stop his crying if I sit on the floor with him but if I get up or sit on the sofa cook anything he cries. Any thoughts? Advice? I've even tried ignoring him it hasn't been working.

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Comment by Jess on January 16, 2014 at 11:08pm

I guess you would consider it whining...but its all day long its not at any specific moment...I put him in the car he whines, get his food out whining, put leash on, sit on sofa, go in shower, go to the bathroom, eat, literally anything he does it I asked the other puppy owners at the training class if their dogs do the same thing and they said no. I like the way you explained the crate idea thanks for explaining it in sure detail. Hopefully this works :) Thank you all!

Comment by Anna Morelli on January 16, 2014 at 10:47pm

Are you talking about whining? If he does it to get something from you, the trick is to do something else, which was not what he wanted.  As if you misunderstood, not as punishment.  The crate will work.  When he starts to whine LOVINGLY tell him "Oh, you want to go in your crate" get the leash, snap it on and lead him to his crate ( you don't want to drag him by the collar or call him to go in the crate ).  Take him out when he has been quiet in the crate for 10 minutes, then let him out in a matter of fact way, no fussing over him.  When he whines again, repeat the drill. If he whines in the crate, ignore it.  If it escalates, correct him.  In addition to this, make sure you reward his being non demanding by occasionally choosing to pet him, or play with him for a short while. He needs to learn to entertain himself. Combine this with a good amount of outdoor walks, or some outdoor training sessions. He does need the outlet for his puppy  energy.

Comment by Jess on January 16, 2014 at 10:09pm
I have been taking him to training classes 1 day a week since he was 12 weeks old Even in class he will throw a quick bark at me when I tell him to stay He talks back I know its the corgi in him but what do I do He has been so good up until this week. I know he is probably testing me but I don't think the trainer really knows what to do about the issue either. I told her about it and she looked stumped. Where I live corgis are very uncommon so I think maybe the trainer just doesn't know how to help with the behavior? Any advice will help. I am definitely going to start with the crate tomorrow. He never sleeps all day long I take him out and play fetch (well try to he gets distracted easily HAHAHA)with him for half hour to an hour and he's ready for more.
Comment by Jane Christensen on January 16, 2014 at 7:50pm

Agree with Bev.

Comment by Holly on January 16, 2014 at 7:22pm

Awww. That must be hard to ignore. Bet the crate would work though.

Comment by Bev Levy on January 16, 2014 at 7:03pm

Well he has trained you to do what he wants hasn't he? Welcome to the wonderful world of a smart corgi! taking classes will really help you find good positive ways to train him and convince him that this is your world not his. Good luck!

Comment by Jane T. (& Griffin) on January 16, 2014 at 6:51pm

Griffin did this.  I finally decided he was like a fussy baby and put him in his crate for a little nap.

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