About a month ago I received a phone call from a puppy owner asking if I had any pups and I did not. Turns out a good friend of hers was looking for an adult. I thought about this(as I have in the past) and told her I had the sweetest adult dog who was also this ladies dog's mother. I went back and forth and shed many tears making this decision but knew it would be a good one for Bella. We always had to watch Bella and Livvy as they were not very fond of each other. We tried a 2 week trial and it was a win-win situation for all of us as they have a wonderful adult dog and we get her to visit anytime we want plus when they go on vacations and out of town work travels Bella gets to visit us too. Or if we want her to visit they are more than happy to let her.

Bella took only 3 days before she figured out she wanted to sleep in the chair next to the woman's bed. She has a 7 year old and 16 year old to play with and all the attention she deserves. She also goes to work with the woman just like she did with me. The husband is a Professor and is home much of the time. They are very active and love to be outdoors. Bella truly deserves such a life:) Because she is a wanderer we could never let her outside to explore but now she has people who love the outdoors taking her with them because they want to be outside. She hasn't gotten to go cross country skiing with her daughter yet but I am sure she will love it. Life changes but I believe this is a good change for Bella! The smile on Bella's face shows it all. The day she walked in the 1st comment from the ladies husband was "she's smiling at me"...and she was! She continues to smile!!!!!

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Comment by Vicky Hay on February 16, 2014 at 10:11pm

This critter must be in dog heaven! What a hoot.

Gosh, it looks cold. Do they use snowshoes there, too?

Comment by Jane Christensen on February 16, 2014 at 10:06pm

This is Bella's daughter:) Cross country sking!

Comment by Jane Christensen on February 16, 2014 at 9:47pm

Nope dog runs along side...her daughter goes all the time and good thing Bella is in good shape to be able to do this too:)

Comment by Vicky Hay on February 16, 2014 at 9:06pm

Wait, what.... You can cross-country ski with a dog?

We used to ski cross-country up on the Colorado Plateau. But never thot of bringing a pooch. Does the dog just run along with you...or is there something we desert rats don't understand?

Comment by Jane Christensen on February 16, 2014 at 7:11pm

So today I got a cute pic of Bella playing with the family and she had her 1st ever long Cross Country Ski this afternoon...she LOVED it:)

Comment by Vicky Hay on February 14, 2014 at 6:35pm

Aww, that is such a lovely story! And how excellent that you'll be able to keep in touch with them.

Comment by Jane Christensen on February 14, 2014 at 9:57am

Thanks...Stephanie! Anyone that knows me knows that my corgis are an important part of my family. I have had a few people interested BUT they weren't what I wanted for Bella. You could see the caring in the first few minutes as the hubby said "she's smiling at me" and the 16 year old never made it off the floor for an hour when he came upstairs and saw her...

Comment by Stephanie on February 14, 2014 at 12:19am

Jane, I also thought that the heading meant another lovely Corgi has left us and was prepared to wipe the tears.  However, once I read what you had written, I knew you must have felt a lot of sadness as Bella left to go to her new home.  It is a different kind of pain than dealing with a pet death, but it is still hard and very sad, for sure.

Sounds like you covered all of the angles with Bella's adoption.  Her new family obviously loves her and wants to do their best to give her all they can for a happy and healthy life.  Job well done on your part .......

Comment by Jane Christensen on February 13, 2014 at 7:24pm

Sorry for the title...I guess that was a bit dramatic...I am hoping maybe Bella's new owner will join My Corgi too!

Stephanie, I have seen how carefully the family is doing things with Bella and it makes me smile. I have also done rescue and know how important martingale collars are too. I believe I have told everyone more than 1 story about a new adopted dog  spooking and running only to get hit by a car or not be found.

Bella now has 2 new crates one bigger for the house and one for the car too. They will keep her well supplied with everything she might need!     Thanks everyone...

Comment by Stephanie on February 13, 2014 at 1:09am

Good luck to Bella.  If she is a wanderer as you mention, please be sure her new family knows to keep her leashed at all times.  Having worked in rescue, I know it is hard to make a decision that moves the pet away from your life even if you know you are doing the right thing.  I am glad for you that you will be able to keep in touch with Bella.  The best to all of you

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