Oooooo Some people get to me... train your dog.

Seriously.. I've heard this from many people on here but I've never personally have had a bad issue in a dog park yet...

And then this woman brings "Shakira" in tonight.

Roxi is great with big dogs.. her best friend here is a big white husky.. So when this black.. husky.. thing came in she got all excited.. until it got aggressive in which normally I let them handle the issue because since now.. usually the dogs have taken care of it with a few nips a growl or two and they chase one another like nothing happened the end.

Nooo no... Roxi gave warnings... Roxi gave nips... which ment to this dog "Toy Toy Toy Toy!"

while this woman chased her dog that wasn't listening to her call backs or anything going "We talked about this! I'll take you out! *she didn't...* Shakira! Shakira! Shakira! Shakira! Shakira! Shakira!"

By the time her dog was aggressive with most of the dogs in there people were mumbling *not so quietly* about how she should leave and train her dog.

Yet for some reason her dog was obsessed with poor Roxi in which finally I picked her up, said goodnight to everyone *my neighbors laughing because they understood* and left. If she wasn't going to figure it out I wasn't going to let Roxi get hurt from her stupidity.

.... this is mostly a frustrated post since we were all having a good time until this dog showed up. It wasn't exactly her dog being aggressive that bothered me.. it was how she handled it. I hope no one got hurt tonight after I left.

Im sorry but speaking to your dog like its human across the field while its chasing my dog doesn't cut it...
feebly going "Shakira! Leave the poor Corgi alone!" doesn't cut it...

ohhhh and if that dog hurt Roxi... ooooo... poor lady... I can be respectful.. well mannered... but I let you know what I'm thinking real fast once that lines crossed.. and its hard to cross that line.

and sorry for the horrible grammar/typing/readability.

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Comment by Mochi The Corgi on September 23, 2008 at 7:25pm
Someone should have probably just asked the person to leave. You might get a surprise response and the owner may agree. This happened to us while we were having one of our corgi meet ups, only not with a large dog it was this rat terrier. He was SUPER agressive, the owner even put a muzzle on him but it was making the rest of the dogs act crazily. One of us polietly asked the owner to remove the dog from the park, and the guy was not offended at all. He apologized and immediatly left.
The dog park is partly your park too. There isn't a life guard or a watch man so its everyone's responsibility to look after your own dog. And if another owner isn't they should be asked to leave. That's just my opinion. I know what you mean though i've left dog parks before because people are just idiots with their dogs....

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