I was talking to friend, a vet., yesterday, he claimed that there was an additional historical use for a Corgi!

He told me that Corgis were used to herd rats back onto ships bound for the Continent during an outbreak of Bubonic Plague in seventeenth century London.

Has anyone heard of this before, was there any historical reference for this claim? Or my pal is just joking with me?

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Comment by Bev Levy on August 9, 2009 at 11:41am
Sounds like a joke but I have posted before about the time my corgis discovered two mice under the bird feeder and proceeded to chase them around the yard. Everytime the mice stopped the corgis did too and when the mice moved they chased. It was funny to watch and makes this seem less like a joke!
Comment by Pat Grissett on August 9, 2009 at 11:41am
I personally have never heard that particular story but have heard that in addition to "driving" cattle, Corgis were used as ratters on the farm.

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