Does your Corgi love the water?

Jack has always loved the water. He is thrilled to splash into any stream or puddle he can find. However, he won't go in past here:

He knows how to swim but is reluctant to do so. Our own mistake, because despite the fact that we socialized him to all manner of things, we never took him somewhere where we could wade in the water with him and encourage him to swim. Admittedly, such places are hard to find around here!

Madison, our new addition, is like a shark. She loves the water. She will swim for hours if you let her.

Well, we finally found a spot where (at least off-season when the beach is closed to swimmers) we can have a nice sandy spot to wade in and get Jack swimming, and Maddie can go at it to her hearts content.

When we first arrived, Jack went snooping and Maddie (as is now typical) came bouncing over to see what he's up to.

We were only there a short time when a trainer we know showed up with her Golden and Cocker, William and Jesse. Madison initially spent most of her time swimming around after everyone, barking her fool head off.

Jack wandered around on the shore while the other three enjoyed the water.

Finally, after watching William the Golden Retriever for some time, Madison got the idea that if she actually brought back a toy instead of just barking at it, someone would throw it back in for her. However, her Corgi herding instincts were still overriding her retrieving skills, and on her first couple attempts she would bring the toy out and run with it all the way to the top of the slope, to save it from drowning, I suppose!

It took her a few times, but she ultimately decided that it did not need saving and she would bring it back to us after all. Here she is, bringing in a toy.

And Jack? Well, after my husband failed to convince him to swim, I finally braved the chilly water myself and rolled up my jeans and went on in. I put a leash on him so he would feel more secure, and after much encouragement I was able to get him swimming. After two efforts with the leash, I got him to follow me in without the leash on the third attempt. No pictures (since I was in the water) but my husband captured that, along with the rest of the fun, on video. So if you have about 6 minutes and want to watch dogs having a blast on a chilly September day, here's the clip!

The woman with the white t-shirt who tried to carry Jack into the water about halfway through was there with the above mentioned trainer we know. Poor Jack will tolerate just about anything; he hates being carried, though.

And Jack wants you to know he was feeling a little fat that day! It was the day after he ate that Boston Creme doughnut I mentioned in another thread!

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Comment by Beth on September 28, 2009 at 7:06am
Hi Brewer's dad! I checked your profile and you are in Wisconsin and the puppy isn't here yet. What a cutie he is! Jack will go in ice-cold water in the late fall/ early spring and not get cold, but he has his adult coat. With a puppy you need to worry about them getting wet and chilly with just their puppy fuzz. So by late next spring when the water warms up he should be ready. My dad has worked a lot with various bird dogs and says even with retrievers, some will go right in and swim but with others you need to go in with them. You can wade in yourself and encourage him to follow, using treats or as I did gentle tugs on a leash (once he's leash trained) to let him know what's expected. Or you can carry him in just a couple feet from shore and put him down and let him go, with you right there to guide him. You just don't want any bad experiences up front. WIth a little pup, you can just let him splash around by the shore and get his little paws wet, if he likes it. Corgis are not a sure thing as a water dog, but from my understanding many of them do like it, more than some other breeds.
Comment by Brewer AND Lilly! on September 28, 2009 at 6:32am
My parents live on a lake that we visit pretty often, how early should I introduce my little guy to the water? would he get scared by waves and stuff if he was too little? Id really like brewer to be a little swimmer but only if he wants to of course!
Comment by Geri & Sidney on September 28, 2009 at 1:56am
Those are some great photos! Sidney...well, he hates to get his paws wet at all.
Comment by Jane Christensen on September 27, 2009 at 11:07pm
Oh what a fun day! I'm glad all seems well. We only have rivers and some dirty lakes. Livvy loves water puddles so I think she would love the water.Great pics!
Comment by Beth on September 27, 2009 at 7:41pm
Yes, we have found the thing that Maddie shows here Corgi intensity around, and it's water. We actually had to leash her to get her to leave. By the end she was clearly exhausted and starting to shiver a bit (it was chilly). Yet she would not stop. Roberta (the trainer) was still throwing in toys for her Golden, and whenever one of the other dogs would go in Maddie would go right in after them. I think if we let her, she would have gone til she collapsed.
Comment by Bev Levy on September 27, 2009 at 7:29pm
Sounds like fun! Sparty will swim but prefers wading. Buffy used to take off swimming to the extent that we were afraid to have her off leash around the water. Izzy likes to swim but doesn't go far. Of course Izzy has never figured fetch out at all so that is great Madison did it! Our dobe was afraid of water until a friend of our son's lab showed her what fun it was so she takes right off too. Looks like it was a great day!

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