So, as of approximately 9 am this morning, I found out that I will be moving to Baltimore, Maryland. My hubby just got a job offer.  We will be heading out there some time next month to find a place to rent, and then moving in some time after that.


So, does anyone know where to find corgi breeders out there? Or decent priced dog friendly rental properties?  Also, does anyone in the Twin Cities area want some free tropical fish?  Those won't survive the move out to Baltimore.



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Comment by Joanna, Rainy and Calvin on February 16, 2011 at 8:09pm
Congrats!!  I can't offer any suggestions, but maybe Rainy can come and visit you if she goes to Baltimore with my parents.  They go down every few months for hospital visits.  May you have safe travels!!  And let us know how things turn out.
Comment by Jane Christensen on February 16, 2011 at 7:30pm
Congratulations...bummer that we won't get to see you at Renissance Fest this year but I'm very happy for you 2 and your future"to-be" pup!

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