Owen's Yips/Rash/Long days without Mom

Owen's yips have ceased. I'm pretty sure it was due to the fact that we had a heat wave and it was really uncomfortable there for a couple days. I'm guessing that was Owen's way of saying.. GET AC! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE! He's a bit of a boss afterall..

I took owen to the vet yesterday too because his rash/scabs increased over his belly. He was a little wiggle worm at the vet and fortunately we have a vet with a great sense of humor. It took the vet, the vet tech and me to get his temp taken. Apparently getting a thermometer put up your butt isn't fun. He is 11lbs (14 weeks) and very strong. He was fine the rest of the time at the vet. Just a mild infection. So some antibiotics for the next few days or so

Is everyone's corgi easy to pill? Owen must like picking up everything in sight so struggle for that- just popped it in his mouth and held it shut for a bit (like we used to do for the cats). Crazy easy..

Today has been tough. Normally my schedule is 9-3 with lunch in between so I am home for a while and home early. Today has been long staff meeting and coordinating a memorial (administrative pastor). I feel bad for him on days like this but he doesn't whine in his kennel when I leave. I came home two times for five minutes and am still wait for the memorial reception to get over. Owen is just happy with his water and toys. We'll have fun tonight - we are going to the park for a birthday party so we should make up not enough play or mommy time today.

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Comment by Rachel on August 25, 2008 at 10:21am
Lily has a hard time taking her meds so we usually put in peanut butter and then put it on her food bowl and when she laps it up she'll take it. Lately though, we just take a big marshmallow and stick the pill in there and she's happy to swallow it. :) Izzie, we didn't try too hard, when we had to give her benadryl because of some itching, we just did the marshmallow trick.
Comment by Geri & Sidney on August 23, 2008 at 4:21am
Glad to hear it's a quick easy fix.
My dogs are mad about cheese, so I just tuck their pills into a little bit of cheese and it goes right down!
Comment by Stephanie & Lola on August 23, 2008 at 4:18am
hahaha Lola is NOT easy at all to give her meds. I tried everything.. putting it in her food, wrapping it in a nice piece of roast beef, holding her mouth shut.... she some how always spits it out. lol

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