Tears roll down my cheeks as a type this...this is hard.

Last night we found Juneaux dead. No explanation, no nothing...she's just gone. I'd had a busy day with company, and hate that I didn't take a few minutes to step outside with them. When my husband came home, he went outside and found her at the foot of my son's slide. The place she enjoyed the most, oh how she loved to run up that slide and come down with him. He was the joy in her life, and she was his.

We checked her for a clue, but nothing. She did have some blood coming out of her mouth, but I'm not sure that points to anything. She looked so peaceful, just laying there like if she taking her usual nap, in her usual spot. Max paced around nervously. I think he's sad.

I never thought I'd face this day this soon. She would've been a year on the 28th. I would always read tragic stories on here, about corgis passing from cancer or just accidents, and I would tell my husband, what would we do if we ever got bad news like that, and he would say don't think about it, she has plenty of healthy years to go. She was as lively as ever the day before. We're simply left guessing what could have happened to her...I'm just..lost.

This leaves Max all alone, so we might start crate training, and keeping him inside--I hope no one poisoned her. No other idea crosses my mind. My husband thinks something bit her...but what? Needless to say we're devastated, I'm devastated, embarrased that I've cried on and off since we found her, and just crushed that she's gone. Its tough. Its gloomy here at home, but a Happy day on Rainbow Bridge...they're lucky to have her.

We love you Juni

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Comment by Bev Levy on May 4, 2009 at 1:54pm
I am so sorry for your loss! I was devastated when we lost one of ours at 6, one year is awful. It is also possible that she ate something. Corgis are good at doing things like that. So sad, at least you know she was somewhere she liked. Best wishes to you.
Comment by The John Family on May 4, 2009 at 1:47pm
I am so sorry for your loss. So soon and so unexpected. This is not something that anyone wants to go through and no one has an easy time with it. Know that you have support here and well wishes all the way around. I am terribly sorry for your tragic loss. I hope that you can remember the fond memories and that you can find a way to ease your pain.
Comment by Amanda on May 4, 2009 at 1:44pm
Poor Juneaux! I wonder what possibly could have happened. I feel so bad for you. Not even a year old, that's too soon. :( I'm so sorry to hear that you have to go through this so soon...

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