Here's the news most of you have been waiting patiently to hear.

Ein is now breathing through his nose and for the most part acting himself, in other words, like all the other Corgwn in the world, but with attitude galore.

Ein had his oncologist appointment on Tuesday of this week and we keep feeling like we've been punched in the gut.

The doctor discussed with us what she saw in all the reports and ran over our options.

1.) We could do radiation therapy. It would be a 30%-40% chance in reducing the tumor, but during the three months of treatment, he would be dealing with pain weeks on end.

2.) We could do chemotherapy. This would require five treatments and only has a 20% chance in reducing the tumor. 50% of dogs develop the runs, with 25% developing infections, and a few percent developing serious illnesses.

3.) Let him live out the remainder of his days as comfortable and happy as possible.

We have already taken option 1 off the table. Both of these would extend his life by about 7-9 additional months if successful. If not, it would be shorter due to his immune system then being decimated.

The doctor made it very clear that Ein is not a dog that will grow old. She has passed his file around and unfortunately in most cases, nasal soft tissue sarcoma wins.

It hurts us quite a lot. Not only do I personally feel like I've let him down somewhere along the line, I feel I've let all you that have supported us, down.

In the two and a half years that he's been in our lives, he has brought much happiness, laughter, and chin on the lap "I love yous," that we feel blessed to have loved him back. Because of this, I feel we owe it to him to explore other avenues as well. Maybe there's a trial at WSU that he would be a candidate for.

Thank you for all the support.

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Comment by Linda on May 24, 2014 at 8:09am

Thank you for the update.  So sorry that he has had a hard time with the meds but glad they have now found a combination that he can tolerate better.  Poor baby, he sure didn't need a sinus/eye infection of top of everything.  Continued prayers and good thoughts for all of you. 

Comment by David W. on May 24, 2014 at 2:34am

Thank you all.

So far he is doing well. He developed an eye infection. It seems a sinus infection that had persisted from when he could not breath pushed its way up the tear ducts into his eyes. Kinds of gross having to clean his eyes a bit. 

We did have a scare though, it seems prednisone is really tough on him and he was bleeding a lot with the runs. He had become extremely dehydrated and had to stay in the pet hospital for a day and half to recoup. We now have him on prilosec and prednisone which he seems to be tolerating now. But the way he's acting and eating, he will hopefully be around for a bit.

Comment by Tali'Sha and Gible on May 23, 2014 at 10:36pm

I am so sorry you have to go through this, i know its a difficult time for you all, but please try and keep your head up and focus on all the positivity you have brought to each other's lives. i know its not what you expected, its truly heartbreaking, my heart goes out to you and ein. losing loved ones i've learned that they are never truly gone, and they somehow continue to shape who you are for the rest of your life.

Comment by Vicky Hay on May 18, 2014 at 11:05am

Gosh, I'm sorry to hear the situation is so dire. It sounds as though Choice #3 makes the most sense. The surgery probably have him a few weeks or months of comfort. A short good life is better than a long miserable life. IMHO.

Comment by Stephanie on May 17, 2014 at 3:08am

I am glad you have chosen option three.  As a pet sitter, I have had several clients who chose to go with either radiation or chemo with their dogs or cats.  In all cases, none responded to the chemo to where it made a significant difference in their remaining time with their families.  The treatment was expensive, sometimes draining for the pet in being transported for treatment, undergoing the treatment and the side effects which often followed.  I am sure there are cases where a more positive response has been achieved, but I have personally not seen any with all that were involved.

All of you just make every minute count as you can.  Smile and laugh with him as he is enjoying himself and comfort and cuddle him when his times are rough.  He has had an unlucky draw in having something such as this when he is so young and when he should instead have a long and less troublesome time here with you. 

It is obvious from all you have attempted to do that he may have been unlucky on the one hand, but he was lucky to have found his way into your lives.  You have tried your hardest to give him a happy ending with his treatment and now you can give it your most to share his remaining time and make memories of him that will live with you forever. 

Give Ein a hug and a pat for me, for all of us.  Wish the prognosis could have been better ...............

Comment by Jennifer Markley on May 16, 2014 at 10:26pm

Enjoy every minute of every day you have left together.  Life is about quality, not quantity.  He knows that you love him, and he loves you just as much.  You haven't let anyone down...we can only do what we can do.  Sometimes the best thing is to have a shorter time, rather than a longer one full of pain or sickness.  Unfortunately, science hasn't figured out how to let our loved ones live forever.  I am so, so sorry.  I can only imagine how your heart is breaking.

He will be waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge.

Comment by Beverly Butler Redford & Tucker on May 15, 2014 at 2:55pm

No matter what your decision is, it is what is best for Ein and you.  In no way have you let Ein or any of us down.  I cannot imagine your heartbreak, but know that you have the support of everyone here.

Comment by Beth on May 15, 2014 at 12:05pm
I am so sorry to hear this. Those treatment options don't sound good--- chemo can be very successful for some times of cancers but sadly it sounds like this is not one of them. When the risk for side-effects is much higher than the risk of success, we have to question the wisdom of trying. There is nothing you could have done differently. A bad roll of the genetic dice or bad luck with exposure to something that triggered the malignancy are not things you can change. You let no one down.

Remember, the heartbreak is ours but the dog has no idea of how long he was expected to live. His only concern is this: Am I happy today? I know it's hard but try to allow him to have his joys with his remaining days.
Comment by Linda on May 15, 2014 at 11:43am

My heart is breaking for you.  Never ever feel that you let Ein down or us.  There is nothing you could have done to change things.  Beth is do what is right for Ein and your family and you have our support in whatever your decide.

Comment by Anna Morelli on May 15, 2014 at 11:21am

My heart goes out to you.  I have lost young pets as well as really old ones and the same can be said of friends and family members and I have come to understand that not all come into this life to stay a long time and that life cannot be judged by its length.  I do not go to extreme measure to prolong the life of my pets, because I do not intend to do that for myself.  My aim is to provide the best possible quality of life for them while they are in my care.  Best wishes for Ein.  May his time with you be joyful and as long as possible. 

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