Sadly, our dear brave Gandalf is gone. He got through 5 chemo treatments without side effects. It looked like his heart tumor was gone. The 6th chemo seemed to affect him a lot. He aged several years almost overnight. Last Sunday, almost 4 weeks later, he became listless with labored breathing & no appetite. All symptoms of congestive heart failure. A chest xray confirmed pericardial effusion (blood in the heart sac). With no vet available to remove the fluid until the next day, we decided not to prolong his suffering and the inevitable. He was put to sleep while we held him in our arms. Gwenny, our 10 y/o corgi waits by the door for him to return. We miss him terribly but are grateful that we had a great 4 more months with him. Please be sure to give your pups extra hugs today and every day.

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Comment by Lynne Cerny on June 3, 2010 at 2:06pm
So sorry for the loss! Bucher, Sally and I all send hugs!
Comment by Bev Levy on June 3, 2010 at 2:00pm
Corgi hugs! So sorry for your loss.
Comment by Teresa Gilpin on June 3, 2010 at 1:53pm
I am so,so sorry for your loss. They are like our kids, so I know its not easy. I will take your advice and give my babies an extra hug, and be so grateful that they are healthy!

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