Our Tag is the last kid on the block to be allowed free run of the ranch. All the other pups born this year are old hands at running free...the heelers, the German and Australian shepherds, the mutts...everyone but Tag has been running free for months. It's not that he's terribly disobedient or more reckless than the other pups. His mom is paranoid.

Ok, let me defend myself a little! He's *small*. I know the rat terrier is smaller, but that dog has enough attitude to take on any Tough Dog and take it out! She's fearless and feckless. She's terrifying! Tag is short and he's a baby and there are hoofs and horns to contend with along with cars, trucks, and tractors. It's 70 unfenced acres next to a major freeway. There are coyotes. And...well, he's *my* baby. Ok, I know, get over it, woman! He's a dog!

I knew today was the day he was going to get a run at the horses and cattle. I dragged my feet about it as long as I could. Took a little extra time to groom the horses. Decided to turn out my old gelding to roll for a bit. Then decided he needed time on the patience pole. Of course, there was the stall clean up and making sure our young Paint gelding wasn't crow-hopping too much for my daughter. Tag spent the whole time panting, smiling, 'aroo-ing', and physically begging to be let loose. "Just for a minute, Mom!" I'd put it off as long as I could.

My daughter was in the arena with the Paint, the cattle had run to the back pen when they saw Tag show up. I sat down next to him, looked down into his eager little face, and let him off leash. At first, he wasn't sure he was loose. He sniffed around the fence, wandered into the arena a little, and realized he was free. FREE! WOOHOO! Off he went, running flat out directly for my daughter and the crazy Paint. My youngest son, not prepared for what I'd done, started yelling behind me, "MOM! WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Just about that time, my daughter sees Tag streaking for her and turns the horse to face him. Strangely, I was completely calm.

The horse, although young and exuberant, has a great head on him. He just watched the pup come on and kept working for Jenna. The pup, instinct flowing, drew up to the horse and evaluated the situation. Jenna, cool as a cucumber, kept riding her horse. Tag just couldn't resist...it was flapping in his face! That tail! Hanging almost to the ground, in black and white splendor, waving back and forth like a giant toy....Feathers tail! Bunny hop and snatch! I watched in awe as he hung suspended by the horses hocks, wondering if he was going to zip away when the horse kicked like he does when I try to catch him with a stolen sock. He dropped to the ground, ran a few steps and then hop! snatch! he's hanging again. The horse never missed a step and only flicked an ear at the relatively small weight hanging from his rump. The pup, overjoyed at the giant toy, ran around him to 'herd' him back to me.

He only spent 30 minutes off leash running the ranch today. He got to herd the cattle back and forth from pen to pen. He got to chase me to the trailers and he got to meet the herd of yearlings that love to crowd up to everything new with whiskery faces grouped close. He got to drink from the troughs and he got to roll around with the ranch dogs. But, the most fun he had was swinging from the tail of Feathers. His laughing face is imprinted in my mind forever. I'm less paranoid now and looking forward to seeing him learn the ways of the ranch dog. Although it's a new experience for me, it's been in his blood for generations.

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Comment by Geri & Sidney on December 30, 2009 at 1:30am
Wow, you described your day beautifully! Good for Tag :)
Comment by Liz Gritt on December 29, 2009 at 7:51pm
Love that idea! Now, it's remembering to use it when I'm under pressure..."Venice! no no... Venetian! that's not right... Veritas! oh dear...."
Comment by John Wolff on December 29, 2009 at 6:33pm
We're having fun and good results using "venite'!" (Latin/Italian for "come!"). Rarely used, never heard by them in daily conversation. The only time they've heard this word is when I've had bacon or better in my hands, and once when I used it for real.
Comment by Liz Gritt on December 29, 2009 at 11:28am
Joanna, I totally agree. He's not allowed to 'wander' to the area where the cars and tractors go, not for a while yet. His recall is good, but not perfect, and I don't want to chance it. There are dozens of dogs out there, so everyone is very conscious about the loose dogs when they drive, but that bit of paranoia, I haven't let go of. He is a *tremendous* pig...keeping treats will keep him close, even if the steer are 'calling'. Sad story about the Corgi vs. Car. It's my biggest worry because he's so low to the ground.
Comment by Jane Christensen on December 29, 2009 at 9:34am
Oh I bet he had fun! Great story! One thing we teach our dogs is that when a car approaches they come and sit on the deck till the car shuts off! Unfortunately Livvy (my stubborn one does not do this very well! It does help us as we know where they are! I know you have a vast area compared to our 5 acres!
Comment by Bev Levy on December 29, 2009 at 8:10am
Great story! It is scary off leash but mine have really good recall so they can do it. Most corgis are such natural pigs that a pocket of treats will teach them in no time!
Comment by Potus on December 29, 2009 at 5:48am
Loveit!! Loved your writing too :)
Comment by Joanna Kimball on December 29, 2009 at 4:07am
Herding has been in his blood for generations. Car avoidance, however, has not. I am thrilled that he had such a great time, but as the owner of a wonderful, sensible herding dog whose pelvis is damaged due to car hit, only let him run if he's got an excellent recall and DON'T just let him wander. I just heard about another corgi, a working/herding dog from amazing working lines, who was hit by a car last week. She's in surgery now to repair a smashed pelvis, with "hopes" of getting back decent mobility.

He sounds like an awesome little guy.

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