Time flys when your having fun, hard to believe Tucker is 7 and my youngest daughter turned 17!!  Tucker and Sarah share a birthday!!  I always said if I were to have any more human children they would have been born in October, well apparently I didnt't realize that rule applied to our pups too.  :) 

Tuckers St Bernard cousin came for a surprise visit to help celebrate the birthdays!!!  It was the first time they both met each other, and they had alot of fun!!  I think Tucker was confused at the end of the night, trying to find his cousin :O   He was acting a bit guilty, so it seemed, as I found  him in my daughters room  laying down on the floor, but I really think he was missing Meatball!! I attached the link to the video of Meatball and Tucker playing down below,  hopefully it will work. 

I will have to upload the pics seperately as I have them on my phone not the computer. 


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Comment by Jane Christensen on October 15, 2014 at 9:54am

Happy Birthday Tucker...I loved the video:)

Comment by susan on October 14, 2014 at 11:36am
Happy Birthday to both peeps and pups! Tucker and his buddy look like they are having a great time!
Comment by Linda on October 14, 2014 at 7:43am

Happy 7th birthday Tucker (and happy 17th to Sarah)!  Yeah, time flies too fast with our kids...be they 2-legged or 4.  My daughter will be 31 in 3 weeks, Max is 12 and Katie is 10.  And I am getting old fast.

Comment by Judith Andre on October 14, 2014 at 12:24am

Happy birthday Tucker!  Murray also just turned 7.  It doesn't seem possible he's that old already.  He still acts like a puppy and is very fit.  The agility and lots of walking I'm sure help. 

Comment by Vicky Hay on October 14, 2014 at 12:15am

Happy dual birthday! Time shoots past, doesn't it?

Comment by Abbey & Anne on October 13, 2014 at 3:59pm

Happy, happy birthday TUCKER! Seven years old...wow! Hope your day was special and you and MEATBALL had a wonderful time. 

Sarah...Happy 17th birthday to you, too.

Somebody had cake and ice cream...right? lol

Comment by Marcie on October 13, 2014 at 3:56pm
Happy Birthday Tucker! Becca says she will eat a few treats in your honor.
Comment by Alison Prasavath on October 13, 2014 at 3:20pm

Happy belated 7th birthday Tucker (and 17th birthday to Sarah)! You look so tiny next to Meatball, but I can tell you were both having a wonderful time. I hope you were spoiled extra on your big day.

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