RAWR! :(
my MOMO actually 'bit' me today!! Not sure if it was on purpose or accident, but he hasn't been eating his meals when i give it (for the pass 3 meals) and i've taken his food away, he seems to be "hungry" and bit me when i went to get my breakfast coffee from the fridge FOR WORK!
ARRGH. I've been slacking on our family rules on him. I thought he'd mature now, and be a good puppy, but i've seen that he's gone back to being "demanding". I will not allow him to get away with it now.
Back to the FIVE GOLDEN RULES that i've learned to correct his bad behavior! No more NICE MOMMY! Must lay down the law, and correct the bad behaviors.
It's my fault, for slacking. I must remember now, that this is the SECOND TIME i've slacked and allowed his bad behaviors to come out. No more third time for this to happen. I must make it a continuation of rules, boundaries, discipline and love and affection AFTER the rules have been laid down.
*edited*: Momo is 7 months old. I just like to call it ....his annoying "pre-teen-pup' days. LOL.
That's a long time to be alone for such a youngster... They say one hour per month of age plus 1. Also, with no food in his tummy all day he is not going to be a happy camper. Maybe look into a doggy daycare that he can go to once or twice a week, I found a great one near me and since Bogart LOVES to play with other dogs it has many benefits (and it was only $25 per day). I also use a pet sitter who comes and walks Bogart midday if my husband (who is retired) is out of town. Our daily routine is - up at 5:30 am, take him out for poo and pee, then breakfast, then an hour later we go for a 30 minute walk, then I leave for work around 7:30. We have started giving Bogart some fruit and vegetable pieces middle of the day, as a "something in my belly snack" between the 5:30 am and 5:30 pm feedings. Also, try warm water on the kibble, a friend recommended this and I think it might help, I do it for Bogart... Hope everything works out!! Let us know!
@ Bogart :
No i have not taken him to those classes, but i've been doing my own training with him, behavioral and obedience. He has been quite well behaved for A LONG TIME, just until yesterday. I think i have an idea WHY he did it tho. He's hungry and every time i feed him, he keeps walking away from his dish and i take it away and is TRYING to control his "eating meals" and Me. I know he's testing me, and i dont play 'games' with him anymore, cuz he's nearly a grown dog. And cuz he was doing so well, i slacked a bit, but not this time around, Gotta get back on board and keep him on track.
@ Bevy :
Momo has stopped teething, to my knowlege. He should have had all his teeth now. I know his issue is the eating issue, he's frustrated and starving.
Sadly (but not really sadly), i DO HAVE a very smart dog. He knows exactly what i'm saying and what i want him to do... and knows what buttons to push around me, if he wants to get a reaction out of me.
For example i'll tell him, "go to BED". He'll walk over to his pillow bed, and lay down next to it on the ground, and put ONE PAW on the bed. And when i say, "NO, ALL THE WAY ON THE BED", then he'll get up and move his entire body on the bed.
I think, momo is relearning that if he doesn't eat when i give him food and goes away from his bowl, he won't get anything til the next time.... and becuz both my husband and myself leave for work at 8am and don't get home til 6pm, he doesn't get any food or treats til 7-8pm, if he doesn't eat in the morning betweeb 630-730am.
I think i've slacked and this is a wake up call. He's cute and smart, and he knows how to use it, so i gotta be smarter and keep him in check. :D
So sorry. Has Momo been to obedience classes with you?
Ps, sorry he bit you!
Could he be teething? That would account for the meal problems, try some water on the food to soften it. Or check for any broken teeth. Either could cause grumpiness and not eating. However, if you have a very smart dog you really can't relax the rules. Good luck.
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