How many "dog issues" can one person have in a day? Apparently a lot! The new puppy got stuck in the Houston airport on his way to Oklahoma because Continental decided to cancel ALL flights for today even though it wasn't snowing or icing or even raining. It didn't start even raining until after her flight was supposed to land. I was worried sick about him all day, but luckily I have an uncle who is a pilot for Continental and when he landed in Houston tonight, he went and check on Brando for me. He is a dog person too, and he was impressed with the care Brando was getting, so that put my mind at ease.
Also, while I was at work today the dogs decided to climb onto the stove and get some aluminum foil, which was, I can only assume since I couldn't find most of it, eaten. I called the vet, and of course they were getting ready to shut down due to all this horrible weather that hasn't hit yet, but they suggested lots and lots of fiber to try to get all the foil moved out. So the dogs have been getting Benefiber mixed in the milk every few hours.
And finally, Lyla, who has been getting all this fiber all day, refuses to go outside and poop because the ground is covered in ice (now that the icy rain finally started, 12 hours after predicted) and I'm shining the horrible, scary flashlight on her so I can see said stool to check it. She sniffs, starts to squat... nope, doesn't smell right, and continues until she just looks at me with eyes that say "Sorry Mom, but the ice is making weird sounds, the flashlight beam is trying to eat me, my lawn smells funny and I just can't possbily potty here."
Oh the insanity....
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