He has a subcutaneous lipoma low on his side.  For those who don't know what they are, they are a fatty growth that is common to older dogs.  These are not cancer.  Normally they stay small and don't need to be removed...I think just about all my older dogs have had them.  The one Max has is low on his side and it grew quickly and large, about the size of a softball. The vet said she can close her fingers almost completely on the inside of the growth which means it's not attached to anything...it's right under the skin which is a real good thing.  He has a couple of other small ones that she is not concerned about except for one that is almost into his armpit.  It may not grow any bigger but if it does it will impede his leg movement so in order to prevent a 2nd surgery she is removing it.

If you all would keep good thoughts for my boy I would greatly appreciate it.  I am calmer about it now that he has had his evaluation and the vet is very encouraging that it will be a simple operation.  They will do blood work of course before they do the surgery.  Max is 12 and in good overall health but I still worry....of all the dogs I have had in my lifetime some how this short, fluffy, crazy, annoying, loving creature had just gotten such a hold on my heart.

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Comment by Chris Payerl on July 31, 2014 at 3:16pm
Our poor short legged doggies are at a distinct disadvantage when it comes to these types of things. Not as much room to grow as those long-legged pups. Poor Katie! So sweet to worry about her pal. Or is she just double-checking that the coast is clear without him so she can nom all the treats? :oD Be prepared for one doped up doggie and having to restrict his movements for a little while. Good idea to have them both taken care of at once; why put him (and yourself!) through the trauma of surgery again in a year or two?

@susan: YIKES! That's a lot of lipoma for a doxy to lug around, poor girl! Sophie's was the size of a hamburger bun (weighed about a pound or so) and I thought that was big; a previous one was the size of a duck egg.
Comment by susan on July 31, 2014 at 11:11am
Keeping Max in my thoughts! My parents wiener dog had one the size of a half a football. It looked like she was a wiener and a half! The vet was able to take that off with no problem, save keeping the bandages on afterwards. Max will be fine :).
Comment by Linda on July 31, 2014 at 10:35am

I was nice and came home directly from dropping Max off before heading to the market...I don't want to leave him alone tomorrow to get groceries.  Everyone has a full tummy but Katie is not happy wondering where Max is.  She kept looking out the front door when I was bringing the bags waiting for me to bring Max in.

@Chris....glad to hear that Sophie is all healed now.  The big one on Max hasn't grown into the chest wall, it's all under the skin and he is having the small one under his front "armpit" removed also just in case.  The big one is hanging down and if it gets any larger it will be hitting the ground so that's why it's coming out.

Now I just have to wait till 2:30 to call and see when he can come home.

Comment by Beth on July 31, 2014 at 10:12am

Oh no!   The poor things will STARVE!

Comment by Chris Payerl on July 31, 2014 at 8:47am
Positive vibes heading your way! I'm sure all will go smoothly. Sophie just had a large one removed from her chest in April. It was growing rapidly and she had only about 2" ground clearance, so it had to come off. All went well. It was much larger than anticipated as it had grown inward, too. She had a somewhat difficult time healing because of the thinness of the skin on the chest and it being pulled so tightly. The, "Why aren't you feeding me? Don't you love me anymore?" look is quite familiar!
Comment by Linda on July 31, 2014 at 7:00am

HELP!  I'm surrounded! 

Comment by Mark Sleith on July 31, 2014 at 6:52am

"But Mom!  We're withering away to nothing!  We need our noms!"

Comment by David W. on July 31, 2014 at 12:43am

My thoughts are with you.

Comment by Jane Christensen on July 30, 2014 at 10:41pm

WOW...we were lucky and it was 9PM for no food. Hope they don't decide to chew on your leg in the AM!

Comment by Linda on July 30, 2014 at 10:37pm

Oh boy am I getting the evil eye from not just one but two corgis.  No food after 6pm so that means no treats that they are use to getting like when they come inside after they did their business, no carrot after a rousing game of fetch and horrors!  NO TREATS AT BED TIME!.  Gonna be even worse when they don't get their breakfast...and that will also involve the 3 cats.  I will feed the others after I get home from taking Max in.  Maybe you guys need to say a prayer for me...you know what's it like keeping a corgi away from his expected food.

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