May be going to court because of Wynstan. (edit)

This morning I was playing with him out in the backyard. I threw his frisbee and he ran off to catch it. When he was returning it, out of the corner of my eye, the neighbor's pitbull had climbed the fence and was charging towards him, Wynstan was instantly in flee mode. I screamed at the both of them, the other dog didn't even pay me any attention. I did the only thing I could do to save him; I pulled out my conceal carry hand gun and put the dog down. In a matter of minutes the police arrived and saw what happened. My neighbor was called in from work. He was threatening to kill me. The animal shelter came in and took away his other putbull because of the living conditions (which we have been trying to get them to do for quite some time). The police said I had not done anything wrong and was just protecting him. The neighbor is threatening to file a law suit. Now I am worried he will try to kill Wynstan.

edit Looks like I failed to mention that I will be moving in about a week to a new house (I am currently living with the parents). Which is in a nicer neighborhood and a bigger yard.

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Comment by Monty'sMom on January 14, 2010 at 10:25pm
Oh my gosh this is horrible and agree with the others that you should not let Wynstan out of your sight. If he treated his own pets badly then he likely has no respect for what Wynstan means to you. Last night I was walking Monty and a German Shepard at the end of the street came out of nowhere and jumped on Monty. It was so quick and so dark I didn't know what was happening and screamed so loudly (and high pitched like the girl I am) that the dog fled back home. Poor Monty is slightly traumatized though by Mommy being so scared. I am so getting some of that citronelle spray for charging dogs tomorrow. Good luck with your situation.
Comment by Jane Christensen on January 14, 2010 at 9:10pm
I also agree with others here and am sooooo glad that both you and Wynstan are okay! My thought is why would your neighbor even be able to file a lawsuit especially if they took his other dog due to the living conditions. I do feel sorry for both of his dogs as it doesn't sound like he was the kind of owner that cared at all!
I would definately be careful and not leave Wynstan out with out a leash and with you there ever as he may not try something right now but I would NEVER trust this man! I am even thinking that he could sprinkle a poison on the lawn or taint some yummy food also! keep us updated and be cautious! Good Luck!
Comment by David on January 14, 2010 at 8:18pm
I agree with everyone here, you did nothing wrong. There is no bad dog only bad owner. It was the neighbor's fault. Good luck in dealing with the situation.
Comment by Cindi on January 14, 2010 at 8:14pm
OMG! That's awful. Do not take him out at all without a leash and be very vigilant of things in the yard. Poisoned food can be swallowed before you ever realize what happened. I might even jump the gun (no pun intended) and sue him first for having a dangerous dog, not keeping the dog controlled, the emotional trauma the situation inflicted on you and your dog...and maybe even make him pay to have behavioral training for your Wynstan so he doesn't become fear/aggressive!
Comment by Sondra on January 14, 2010 at 7:51pm
OMG, that is terrible, so glad Wynstan is OK. Can't help but feel sorry for the other dog, but you had to protect your dog. Are your fences low? has the pit climbed over before?
Comment by Beth on January 14, 2010 at 6:00pm
Just watch out for antifreeze-laced food put out in your yard. I would not take him out at all without thoroughly scouting the area, even if Wynstan is on a leash. Poison-filled hamburger would be swallowed before you had a chance to react.

Does your neighbor's pit bull have a history of attacking other dogs? You were there and I wasn't and I don't mean to second guess, but if my Jack was loose and saw a dog running with a frisbee, he'd charge too but he'd be charging to engage in play.
Comment by Sarah C. on January 14, 2010 at 4:16pm
Are you sure he's that stupid? He knows you're liscensed for concealed carry now.
If I was him I'd think twice.
Comment by Shelia on January 14, 2010 at 4:01pm
Some people shouldn't be allowed to have a dog! I really hope that your neighbor will leave you and your dog alone. Good luck.
Comment by Erica on January 14, 2010 at 3:34pm
omg, this is awful. i am happy your pup is safe.
Comment by Alice on January 14, 2010 at 3:22pm
I take it the charging Pit Bull died? That's an awful situation. I would have been terrified for my dog too. Not being there I cannot say whether it was or was not the only option to protect Wynstan but if you feel it was, then you did the right thing. I feel bad for the Pit as it was not his fault, but I am glad your Wynstan is safe and the animal shelter is going to work to make sure the owner of the Pits is dealt with. I don't know what to tell you about protecting Wynstan from the owner. I would be worried too. It's very likely he will retaliate unless of course he has the sense to know that if anything happens to your dog he will be the number one suspect. I would keep him inside if you can't be outside with him. Moving would of course remove you from the situation but may not be a realistic solution. I hope everything works out for you and Wynstan.

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