Molly is so smart. She around 9 months old now and is just incredibly intelegent. She has learned sit, stay, lay, all the way down, kisses, up, down, got to your room, no bite, and many more. She responds to many numerous comands just while you are talking to her. The one thing we can't get her to stop is chewing up the carpet or my shoes. I can hide my shoes but not the carpet. I hate to have to start kenneling her again, but she is destroying the carpet! She has toys and chewies, and when I walk into a room and look over at an area where she tore at she puts her head down and slinks off under the rocking chair mopeing. She knows what she did was wrong, I don't even have to say anything to her. (I have in the past) How do I get her to stop? Sprays have not worked.
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