Coalbyn's Patriot's Dream - AKA "Dreamer" AKA "Mom"
Our little family went off to the big dog show in Scottsdale today. We went mostly to see Gromit's breeder, Jean York (above) who had come from California for the show. We also wanted to show Jean and her husband Ed how Gromit is doing. Jean and Ed are wonderful people and utterly devoted to Corgis.

Gromit's mom, Dreamer, and Gromit have a reunion.
The other attraction was that Jean was showing Gromit's mom, "Dreamer," today and Gromit's brother "Night" was there too. So Gromit got to see his mom again, regale her with stories of his Corgi adventures living in Arizona, and also got to hang out in the x-pen with brother Night.

Gromit and Night

Gromit's mom loved his stories of life in Arizona
Night and Gromit took up right where they left off two months ago at Coalbyn Kennel in California: Wrestling matches! As near as I could tell it was a tie with Gromit getting the best of Night about as often as Night pinned him. It was a huge amount of fun for us to watch the two of them together.

The hard part was not asking Jean to please sell us Night so he can Gromit could cause Corgi mischief to run rampant at our house. But we resisted the temptation and Night seems to have other plans, anyway.
Holly the wiener dog had a pretty good day too. We went into a vendor tent that had all the squeakies in the world for sale. Holly thought she'd died and gone to squeeky toy heaven. She pick out three that she liked and we've added them to the Official Squeaky Toy basket in the corner of the living room.
More real than WWESince we got home Gromit has slept and slept except for a brief awakening for dinner. Then back to sleep. He burned up a lot of energy today walking around the show, visiting the dog paraphernalia vendors, greeting tons of people, and occasionally greeting other dogs large and small. Gromit did great too, no posturing or puffing up at other dogs. He did poop right in front of the Giant Schnauzer group though. Don't know if that was just a puppy accident or he was letting them know that Corgis are not afraid anything.
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