My parents were farm people for the first part of their lives, Mennonites (sort of like the Amish) for whom cleanliness really is next to godliness. They saw dogs as fine creatures, good and useful companions on the farm, but dogs were also animals like cows, chickens, and pigs --- and animals live outside. Mom & Dad never quite approved or were comfortable when they'd come for a visit to our place and would have to deal with dogs in the house even though the dogs were very well behaved.

Some years ago I took my first Corgi, Watson, to visit Mom & Dad in California at Christmas time. Mom keeps an immaculate home and Dad (since passed away) was very happy with that. They asked if Watson could please be confined to a small kitchen rug placed in one corner of the living room. Uh, sure. >chuckle< Well, Watson did fine but in due course slipped off the rug periodically to sit by me, make friends with everyone, and in time made it into the kitchen where Mom began slipping him food. Corgi charm is tough to resist.

Watson, Christmas morning, 2001

When we opened gifts on Christmas morning there was a package under the tree, the label made out in a child-like scrawl "To Mr. & Mrs. K from Watson." Inside Mom found a new lint roller with a note attached from Watson, again in a child-like scrawl: "Mrs. K, Sorry about the fur thing. Love, Watson."

At our humble abode here in Arizona the rules a somewhat less rigid than at Mom's place. We don't allow the Gromit or Holly in the kitchen or on the dining table table. We also keep the bathroom doors closed because when the weather's warm here in Arizona a nice cool lump of porcelain is nice to snuggle against when you're a dog. Oh yuck...sometimes I think they'd live like animals if we let them.

But the living room chairs, sofa, beds, laundry room, Debbie's art studio, and even the garage (when I'm out there) are open to Gromit and Holly. We really do, in so far as is reasonable, consider them family and want and enjoy their company pretty much 24/7. Sometimes when Debbie is in her art studio the dogs will get to playing in there and become a nuisance and then I'll hear a door close and when I peek into that end of the house there are Gromit and Holly looking at the closed door with that "What did we do??" expression. I love dogs and I love living with them.

Gromit knows the rule about the kitchen being off limits. And he knows just how far he can push the rule before Debbie looks up and orders "Out of the kitchen!"

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Comment by Lucy &amp; Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) on April 12, 2010 at 12:46pm
I love the kitchen patrol. We used to have a living room patrol when that was off limits. But, Lucy came around at the time to have no limits! I love Gromit. I'm sure he'd have run of the house around here, too. I love when I ask Lucy to do something that she doesn't want to do. She'll grudgingly do it but she grumbles softly as she does it.
Comment by Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug on April 11, 2010 at 3:25am
Gromit has actually taken up a fine old tradition we call "kitchen patrol." Here's the former patrol members Watson & Tinsel in position. Holly the wiener dog hangs back, she has learned not to get between a Corgi and food. Watson, ever obedient (except when he didn't wish to be) stays completely out of the kitchen. Tinsel pushes the rule to the limit.

Comment by Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug on April 10, 2010 at 6:03pm
Thanks all, for the comments and stories of your own. Lots of common experiences, from the looks of it. Non-dog people seem to be mystified how we dog-people can allow dogs in the house. The most common comment I've heard is "Don't they piddle on the carpet?!" Answer: "Not too often and that's why we have a carpet shampooer. More often they eat or drink too fast and throw up on the carpet." LOL Our carpet shampooer is the valued tool in my garage. Dogs give us so much love and fun that I'm willing to put up with an awful lot from them.

I was wondering if or when someone would notice the Corgi cookie jar in the kitchen. Scott Wiley wins!

Bev Levy, I'll have to look for one of those platters for the kitchen. The occasional Corgi fur in the Jell-o is a small price to pay for all the joy our little fur buddies bring.
Comment by Roger/Laurie on April 10, 2010 at 5:54pm
Love the kitchen photo.........isn't it just like a corgi to push the envelope. The sad part is THEY usually get what they want, that poor corgi stare!!!!!!
Comment by Bev Levy on April 10, 2010 at 4:49pm
So sweet and love the kitchen photo! We never had dogs inside when I was a kid and my husband's family could be photographed for House Beautiful at any time. I figure my house is just that and very little is off limits to all of our fur providers. I have a great platter hanging in my kitchen that says "the cook is not responsible for dog hair in the food" and it has tri and red and white corgis on it.
Comment by janice kay on April 10, 2010 at 12:47pm
what an a great story !!
Comment by Desert Corgi Pack on April 10, 2010 at 11:59am
Outstanding story, Sir.
Comment by Scott Wiley on April 10, 2010 at 11:45am
Neat story! We happen to have a Corgi cookie jar just like yours on top of the cabinets!!! :-)
Comment by Jane Christensen on April 10, 2010 at 12:33am
Growing up our dogs (a lab and Pekinese mix) were only allowed in our back entrance and kitchen area except to wake us kids up each morning. My 1st dog, a beautiful Irish Setter was allowed to be everywhere and each of my other dogs after have also had this luxury. I sometimes feel that my Aussie would rather be outside and I may let him do that once my goat fence is built and he can then be out but in the attached fence at night due to coyotes!
Comment by Bobbi & Penni on April 9, 2010 at 11:38pm
When I first got married (um, like 33 years ago!!) our first 2 dogs(mixed mutts, but I loved them!) were strictly outside dogs, inside only in the winter at night and when it was really cold.Our subsequent dogs(2 St Bernard's and a shelter rescue mix golden retriever/black lab) were strictly outside with the same privileges. It has been only since we got our first corgi almost 6 years ago that we had an inside dog. She has free reign in the house. Our newest St Bernard is also in the house alot more than any of our other dogs ever were! So funny how things have changed! I wanted to get another corgi but my husband is afraid of 2 corgis inside the house while we are gone!lol!

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