I love Miso. I really, really do. She's the sweetest little dog ever!

But sometimes, she gets on my last nerve! I can't WAIT until she grows up! She's still in the 'eat everything in sight' mindset...which really sucks, because we have mushrooms growing in the yard in front of our condo. I'm so scared she's going to eat them, I have to keep a super careful eye on her!

She also won't eat half of the time. The veterinarian tells me that she should be eating 2 1/2 cups of food a day. I have a hard enough time getting her to eat ONE cup, let alone two and a half! I've tried Mixables, I've tried wet food (she'll eat that, but then her poos are extremely difficult to pick up, not to mention disgusting!), I've tried everything, and she won't eat. It's so frustrating, because I want to make sure she grows up well, but she's not making that job easy!

She's getting better at pooing when I take her out (at first she would have to go so bad she could hardly hold it, but wouldn't go due to distractions). She's doing better at avoiding distractions, but I find it difficult to get her to do any business if there's any people in sight, as she insists on running up and saying HI to every person she sees.

Other than that, she's the sweetest little doggy in the world! I love her so much, I just...well, can't wait until she's older.

She also doesn't really listen or comprehend the training I try to give her. I need to see if my employment with the Humane Society offers me discounts on puppy kindergarten classes, she's a lot more stubborn than my mom's beagle/Aussie Shep mix ever was (that dog was SO easy to train)! A lot more distracted, too.

Next Friday (June 26), I take her in for her last set of shots. Afterwords, I'll be taking her to Three Dog Bakery to get a pup-tart, and maybe some more of those delicious cookies. Perhaps even a bit of doggy ice cream! My little girl is SO spoiled rotten!

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Comment by Chloe's parent Liz on June 20, 2009 at 1:22am
Chloe is now a year. Per the breeder we feed her 1/2 cup A.M., then 1/2 c P.M. She is active, but it is so easy for Corgis to get fat. She eats very quickly like in 2 minutes. Love Miso pictures, have fun!
Comment by Geri & Sidney on June 19, 2009 at 10:20pm
excellent! Glad to hear it, Ashley & Brent
Comment by Ashley Kelty on June 19, 2009 at 10:17pm
I tried something new, and it worked! Our local pet stores have freezers filled with bags of the raw meat diet. So, I grabbed Miso a sampler bag (12 medallions of lamb). Gave her one when I got home, and she DEVOURED it, no coaxing neccesary. Cleaned up after herself, too, there's nothing left of that little medallion I gave her! So I think I found a winner. I'm going to supplement with it, give her one or two medallions in the evenings, as well as her kibbles.

Thanks for all of the advice!
Comment by Geri & Sidney on June 19, 2009 at 6:06pm
That's about 18 pounds, which is good for a female. Sidney was about 21 pounds at that age but he's a boy.
Comment by Geri & Sidney on June 19, 2009 at 4:51pm
HI Cat & Matilda
I got 116 grams in one cup. If you round up to 120 grams then you are feeding her about 1/2 cup at a time, which sounds just about right! You're doing great!

If you wanted you could mix a little something extra into her food, like a tablespoon of cottage cheese or plain yogurt.
Comment by Beauty and the Beast on June 19, 2009 at 1:17pm
Shiro didn't eat his food either. The breeder was feeding the puppies Eukanuba, and he wouldn't look at it. We switched him to Blue Buffalo, and he wouldn't eat it at all too. Only when I put it in the Kong. Eventually my friend-breeder told me that his gums could be sore due to soon teething. So she recommended to mix food with warm water. He enjoyed it for some time, then stopped. So I started adding human food to it, like ground beef, cheken, etc. Now he gets his dry food, half a cup 2 times a day, mixed with 1 teaspoon of cottage cheese. He loves it!
BTW 2 and a half cups a day sounds like waaay to much for a puppy. Shiro could never eat that much at once, but he's growing well. If she still can't handle half a cup, give her treats during the day.
Comment by Ashley Kelty on June 19, 2009 at 12:59pm
Thank you all SO much for responding to my questions and confusion! I think I'm going to start listening to Miso more often, she seems to know what's going on! When she's done eating, she usually pushes the food to the corner of the kennel with her nose. I'm going to take that as my cue that she's full, and I should take her food.

I'm also definitely going to look into puppy kindergarten!

Thanks again for all of your comments!
Comment by Geri & Sidney on June 19, 2009 at 12:43pm
I thought the same thing, 2 1/2 cups is wasy too much! We offer Sidney 1/2 cup in the morning and 1/2 cup at night with a little canned mixed in at night feeding. Much of the time he does not eat much of his AM feeding at all. He's active, energetic and a healthy 28 pounds at almost 2 years old.

Definitely follow up on the training! A good teacher can make a world of difference between a frustrated anxious corgi and a happy one :)
Comment by Sondra on June 19, 2009 at 12:32pm
Corie is 2 yrs old now and gets 1/2 cup dry in the AM and 1/2 dry in the PM. There are days she does not eat one of her meals at all. She is 26 pds and the vet said she did not want to see her get any heavier. I make sure she gets lots of play time at the dog parks or at the stable where I board my horse.
2 1/2 cups seems like a lot to me....
Comment by Liz on June 19, 2009 at 11:53am
We followed the vet guidence to feed Lorenzo "a cup" puppy food per "10 pounds" body weight and Lorenzo grew up to 33 pounds when he was only 10 months. for sure, he was not holding himself on the food at all and he ate anything he can get. I dedicate myself to control his weight since then. luckily, he is two now and still 33 pounds. he gets 1 1/2 cup a day and a bit treat and lots of walk and dog park play.

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