Ordeal; Warning - Descriptions of vomit

Yesterday, or day before yesterday now, so Sunday, I had a baked potato for lunch. Completely forgetting that dogs shouldn't have potato peals, I slipped Didi a chunk of the baked potato shell while the puppy was busy gnawing on rocks. Seemed innocent.
Flash forward to Sunday evening. Didi seems a little lethargic, but I assume that's from being run ragged by tussling with the puppy and frapping around the yard for a half hour. She's also belching alot, and I wonder if mom gave her too many cookies. She has no problem wolfing her food down, and then sitting politely beside the puppy to see if he'll share. He doesn't. They go outside for a poop and pee and it's in the crate with the puppy and Didi settled down for the night.
Around 4am I hear Didi in what sounds like a reverse sneeze. I consider getting up but fall back asleep. I get up a few minutes later to turn the T.V. on and lay back down. I hear another belch. Didi is vomitting. That's not good. I get up to see that there's 5-6 piles of vomit around my room, each partially eaten. I shoo Didi away from the newest pile to find potato skins. I should note here that I have a deep phobia of vomit. So every description here is accurate because looking on it and cleaning it up crystalized the memory in sheer fear. I recall, as I'm standing on my bed squeaking in panick, Oh yea, dogs shouldn't eat potato skins. Damnit. Oddly enough, while there is a few potato chunks in the puke, there is no sign of her kibble dinner. Curious. The potato gets everywhere when I try to wipe it up so I have to get a plastic bag to get the bulk up, then enzyme treat the spot and dab (NOT RUB) the stain away. Yuck.
So I clean up all the vomit and take the dogs out. Didi seems to be ok, a little listless but who wouldn't be after puking all night. I know I'd be!
I linger outside with the dogs and Didi vomits some bile so I think, oh she must be empty. I should give her something to snack on. So I get a bit of the white rice I made for a casserole later in the week and give it to her.
Skip forward after the dogs have been put in the room and I've been doing laundry. I come back into my room to find a pile of rice on the floor and Didi laying down panting.
Now I am worried.
I take the dogs outside. I'm sure I'll be soundly criticized for not packing her up and taking her to the vet immediately, but I was still undecided at this point. I feel her belly and she doesn't complain, and she doesn't feel distended at all. Didi is a drama queen about pain or illness so I didn't worry that she was just being stoic. Curious. She'd drinking ok and holding it down, so I feel confident enough to let her alone for the time being.
In a awhile I'm relieved to see her playing with the puppy, and not very uncomfortable.
Now it is over 6 hours later and she has had some dinner and kept it down, and is napping happily. She's pooped since then so I'm not too worried that she's blocked up. I have now been intimately aquainted with a variety of upchucks, and I've found that potato smears, rice is impossible to get up without the help of a vacuum and that enzyme cleaner is my BEST FRIEND.
I've also learned the lesson that I've shouted at every family member and every guest. NO TABLE FOOD FOR THE DOG. This time I got a bit of my own medicine.
Don't be stupid like me! No potato skins for doggies!

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Comment by Abbea and Vivi on October 22, 2009 at 2:04pm
Eww.. I have a phobia of vomit as well. I hope maybe having a puppy will help me get over it, lol. Good job for getting through that ordeal though. :) I think when they get sick like that, it's probably best for them to not eat for at least 24 hours or they'll just throw up again, kind of like people. They don't eat much when they have a stomach virus (or whatever is causing the sickness) but they would definitely try to drink as many fluids as they can hold down. Things with plenty of electrolytes would probably be good for a sick puppy too like the unflavored Pedialyte for human kids, or I think maybe Smart Water, that electrolyte enhanced water, would work too. Then after the bout has passed, you can give some bland food like boiled chicken and rice and slowly add more kibbles every meal until they're back to their normal diet. I know this is good for when they have diarrhea at least...
Comment by Amanda on October 22, 2009 at 10:55am
Poor Didi! Dax got hold of a potato skin that flew on the floor when I was peeling potatoes the other day. If I catch him in time, I can get him to drop it, but if it's something small, he swallows it as soon as he knows I saw him. It didn't seem to make him sick, but he's got a pretty solid stomach (something I'm very thankful for because he eats EVERYTHING). Glad to hear Didi is doing better. No more potato skins for the dogs!
Comment by Edward and Gemima on October 21, 2009 at 9:29pm
Oh my....................
Comment by Melinda (Penny's Mom) on October 21, 2009 at 4:42pm
You should see what happens when get pepperoni pizza! I am always telling people who come over...please don't give Penny tablefood...she has a sensitve tummy to start with...well it never fails someone will take pity on her pleading eyes and sneak her something...without getting into details I will tell you it was projectile out both ends...and it was a NIGHTMARE!
Comment by Jennifer Markley on October 21, 2009 at 12:39pm
I'd be more worried that you consider getting up at 4am...:-)
Comment by Bev Levy on October 21, 2009 at 8:02am
Every once in a while Sparty manages to get something he should not. Nothing can entice him to open his mouth once he has it either. So I feel your pain! I could live with out cleaning up throwup very happily.
Comment by christy fry on October 21, 2009 at 3:35am
yucky-yuck no more puke i hope =) glad that Didi's feeling better
Comment by Aj on October 21, 2009 at 1:36am
That's so weird, I had baked potatoes for dinner on Sunday. :P But wow, I didn't know that potato skins were poisonous...thanks for the heads up!

I'm glad to hear that Didi's feeling better.

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