This has nothing to do with Corgis, but I know we have some horse lovers here.


While I was on vacation last week, I got some horrible news in the form of an e-mail from a friend.


On Sunday July 24th, the stable where I used to ride as a teenager (two decades gone by now) caught fire and burned to the ground.


There were 29 horses in the barn when it caught fire (being a Sunday, there was no one there riding and being a hot summer day, the horses were inside away from the flies and sun).  Of the 29, only 6 survived.  The other 23 died in the fire.  


They managed to get a few others out but some of them sadly ran back inside.  The primary owners were out of town and their adult daughter (who may also be an owner at this point---not sure as I haven't been in touch in many years) was there with just a stablehand, a working student and another college-aged girl.  Over 100 firefighters responded, but barn fires go so fast that by the time they got there it was too late to save the horses or the facilities.


I am heartbroken.  One ten-year-old girl just got her horse for Christmas this past year.  Her birthday was the day of the fire and her horse was lost  The lost horses were a mix of boarders and horses owned by the stables.


Of the six that survived, three are fine and three suffered from severe burns and are still touch-and-go.  Please say a prayer or send good wishes their way.  And ask for some comfort for those who lost their four-legged friends, both the owners and the students whose favorite horse or pony has gone on to the great pasture in the sky. 

Rest in peace, pretty ones. 

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Comment by Jane Christensen on August 2, 2011 at 10:18pm
Any news on the horses?????
Comment by Stephanie on August 1, 2011 at 10:31pm
Living in Kentucky I have seen more of these types of fires than I care to remember.  It always breaks my heart.
Comment by Rebecca Marie O'Bryan on August 1, 2011 at 10:29pm
O my goodness! That's So sad and awful :'( poor horses, I will send a pray their way. I just imagine them going like that
Comment by Jane Christensen on August 1, 2011 at 10:13pm

Oh horrible, I also love horses. Those horses with severe burn...poor horses I can imagine (or can't) the pain they are suffering! Prayers and thoughts to everyone who lost their 4 legged friends or have injured ones! I wish there was more I could do!

A close coworker of mine just lost a sister and 2 neices in a fire that killed 6 still is on  my mind!

Comment by Laura Jones on August 1, 2011 at 9:42pm
Definately sending prayers for the horses.  I have had them since I was about 5 years old and I can't imagine not having one in my life.  What a sad, sad, day.

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