A thought of regret passes through my mind, retail picks up this time of year, my work makes it so that I'm hardly home, and yet... I love my dog sooooo much, but I hardly have time to entertain him. Mind you I make the time to play with him for a few hours every night, but at the same time, he's got to be in his crate the rest of the time. This is why I got him the big crate, so he could be comfortable in it, but now, I think of it more as a prison, thinking I'll make it up to him later. I don't know what to do, I can't afford a walker, I don't want to give him up, but what's best for him... I can't bare to think of giving up my boy.... my puppy. I don't know what to do.

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Comment by Beauty and the Beast on November 24, 2009 at 12:53pm
Kong toy dispenser. Unfortunately it is nearly impossible to find it. I found one, and it is over $100 and on most of the sites it is discontunued. I don't understand why, it is such a great thing to keep your dog busy.
Here's the only link that doesn't say "out of stock"
I wish there was a way to make one.
Comment by Potus on November 23, 2009 at 11:37pm
The pen is good- we have one and actually use it as Potus's crate (his dog bed is pretty big). Plus you can stretch it out into one long fence- we use it to block doorways in order to confine Potus to the kitchen.

Wanted to add- don't give up your Corgi. I'm home most days with mine and he spends most of his time sleeping anyway. Take the ideas people have given and I'm sure your boy will love it!! (BTW I like the toy dispenser Maria suggested!) Good luck!
Comment by Kristina Kainz on November 23, 2009 at 3:33pm
The exercise pens are starting at $0.99 on Ebay. Getting our dog this summer, but might have to get the pen now. Great idea.
Comment by Erica on November 23, 2009 at 12:57pm
If you want me to take him for you I can...I am looking for a new addition to the family. We live in Massachusetts and already have one corgi.
Comment by Beauty and the Beast on November 23, 2009 at 11:43am
Do not give up your puppy! It will break your heart. Instead buy this exercise pen
very cheap and free shipping!
He will have much more room to play, trust me, this thing is huuuge!
Buy him some more toys and a kong that you an stuff with peanut butter and freeze. Give it to him when you leave and it will keep him busy for at least an hour.
There are some interactive toys available, like ones that you put up on a shelf and it turns and drops a new toy every hour or so. I saw those on Victoria Stilwell's show.
You play wit your puppy a few hours a day and that's plenty! Does he sleep in bed with you? If so, he spends a lot of time near you. Dogs sleep most of the day anyways, you can see that on weekends when you're home.
Once your puppy is grown up enough you can let him free in one room, he doesn't have to stay in the cage all the time. Shiro is almost 10months old and we can leave him outside of the pen for up to an hour. He doesn't destroy anything, just sleeps.
You can leave TV on for him on Animal Planet chanel, I bet he wouldn't mind watching it.
Shiro loves the TV when animals are on, expecially cats and dogs. He'll watch it with his head tilted, so cute.
It is obvious that you love your dog so so much and you wish the best for him, but you two can still be happy together with the right ools and equipment.
Oh, you can also take him to a doggy day care every one or two weeks. Doggy day care is different from dog hotel because they just let the dogs play all day long. It's about $30 a day, depends on the area, of course. I think you could afford that every once in a while and your pup will be tired and happy when you pick him up.
Comment by Geri & Sidney on November 23, 2009 at 11:35am
Reading all these sweet caring responses has brought tears to my eyes. You guys are the best! Corgis are awesome and so are their people.
I'm so glad you have figured out some solutions to your dilemma, William. I would have been heartbroken for you if you had decided to rehome him. Your corgi has a wonderful home with you :)
Comment by William on November 23, 2009 at 10:43am
Thank you all so much for your words of wisdom. I woke up a few hours early today and let Ozzy out, we ended up wrestling for about an hour and a half. Mind you I have about 250 lbs on him and about 6 feet, but I think he ended up winning :P. I've cleaned out a 8x8 space in the garage and filled it with various toys, I bolted a 3 foot length of rope to one of the support beams and taught Ozzy that it's his tug when I'm gone. And I think Nancy had a fantastic idea of a Corgi day, I think Tuesdays will be my Corgi day. I've also gotta look into a self loading ball launcher of some sort, I think I could teach Ozzy to fetch with it while I'm gone, maybe when I can give him more space ^_^. I think that's a thought process for another day. Onwards to work!! Thank you all so much again.
Comment by Nancy Geddes on November 23, 2009 at 9:18am
Yes, there were times that I felt that way also (I am a chef) yet my corgis have adjusted themselves quite well (and they get their fav frozen Kong ball with pumpkin or peanut butter as I leave). They do sleep when you are gone and they rejoice when you return. I believe the problem lies when humans ignore furkids when the humans are at home. At least one of my two days off is solely a special corgi day, i.e., going to a corgi meet up; walking through woods, long walks throughout Colonial Williamsburg to meet people, herding lessons or, during inclement weather, nice grooming sessions and hands on interaction. All of the responses to your thoughts are really solid and we know that you will be able to keep your corgi and have peace of mind. All the best from Nan, Bear, Tasha and Linus
Comment by Bev Levy on November 23, 2009 at 8:04am
One of the special things about dogs is that they don't hold stuff like this against us! Beth gave you some good ideas. Also if you can give him run of a room or part of the house and then hide treats or kibble all around the room for him to find. Just remember to cut back on the amount you feed him accordingly. I am home with mine most days and they really do usually sleep most of the time.
Comment by Jane Christensen on November 23, 2009 at 7:59am
Beth's idea of an exercise pen is great with fun toys to keep him busy. We all feel guilty when don't have enough time to spend with our dogs but a corgi is very adaptable to situations so if this is temporary and things will get back to normal after the holidays I wouldn't worry...you mention that you play with him a few hours every night, some dogs don't get even that! He's in a home with a concerned owner and one that thinks of him! If you were to give him up that doesn't mean he would have a better home or someone that cares about him more than you do! I think he's lucky to have you!

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