I just got back from the vet with Alice and the news is not good.

The egg-sized lump near her hip is cancer. It seems to be growing into her abdominal wall, and that combined with her age make surgery a less-than-promising option. The vet said the cancer is very aggressive; the cells were dividing like crazy under the microscope.

She drained a large amount of bloody fluid off the site. My sweet princess was an absolute angel and did not put up a fuss. She gave her a shot of a steroid-type drug which she says sometimes can slow or even shrink the tumor, but she fears this is not the type that responds favorably to the drug (though it's impossible to be sure from just a needle biopsy).

We go back in two weeks for an evaluation and perhaps a second cancer-targeting drug--- the second one is usually well-tolerated but can occasionally cause gastro-intestinal upset.

It's as I feared. At this point it is most likely just a matter of making sure she is not uncomfortable. The vet wanted to try the drugs simply because it's growing so rapidly otherwise, but she did not sound terribly optimistic. I think she'll be sleeping with the angels very soon.

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Comment by Geri & Sidney on December 19, 2009 at 10:29pm
I'm very sorry, Beth. I also have a very old kitty who I think won't be with us much longer. Why does loving them have to hurt so much?
Comment by Riley Wilson on December 18, 2009 at 7:31pm
My heart goes out to you. My fluffy grey Beamer got a fast growing cancer about a year ago and had to be put to sleep. It is always so hard to lose them. Good luck and take care.
Comment by Joanna, Rainy and Calvin on December 18, 2009 at 2:09pm
I am very sorry to hear this. No animal should ever go through cancer. Algy is in the same position with his lymphoma, so I can sympathize with you, although I cannot imagine exactly how you feel because of your history together. Just know that we are thinking of the two of you, and hope that when her time comes, you know you have done what you can for her, and have given her the best love and life you knew how to give. Give Alice hugs from us! We will also try to send positive healing thoughts your way.
Comment by Sam Tsang on December 18, 2009 at 10:43am
I'm so sorry to hear that Beth :(
Comment by CorGeek on December 18, 2009 at 9:28am
My thoughts and prayers are with you and Alice.
Comment by Beth on December 18, 2009 at 8:47am
Thank you again for all your kind words. As I had mentioned in an earlier blog, I've had this cat since I was 23 and therefore she has been with me for almost my entire adult life. It was just me and her, before I met my husband, before I had my Corgis. She moved with me out of my parents' home and into my first apartment. She was here when we built our house.

I love my dogs fiercely, but Alice is special in a way that my other pets cannot be, simply because of when she came into my life, and also because she really is a one-person cat.

She came back from the vet, after two different needles to drain the area and another for a core biopsy, plus the shot, and promptly sat down on the bed and gave herself a bath. She is taking it all like a trooper and that gives me comfort. She is happy and comfortable today, and that is all I can ask for.
Comment by Beauty and the Beast on December 18, 2009 at 8:02am
Poor Alice!
I hope she responds well to the drugs and revocers but if not may her last days be joyful and pain free.
Comment by Shepdog on December 18, 2009 at 1:39am
Beth, I'm so sorry...

I will say something hopeful, too. I had a 17 year old cat here with aggressive bone cancer, and they gave me four months. The steroids made a huge difference in him; and he was comfortable and happy for two more years, as demanding and opinionated as he ever was. :)

Cats sometimes respond amazingly to steroids, and they don't seem to have the same side effects long term that they do for dogs or even humans. Fingers crossed that Alice is one of those cats...
Comment by Kristin, Honey, and Hooch on December 17, 2009 at 11:57pm
I'm so sorry for the bad diagnosis. It's so sad knowing they will only be with us a while longer... I have a cat in kidney failure right now, and while I think she has at least a few months (if not more) in her, it's so sad to think that her life has its limit coming up.

I hope you're able to keep your sweet girl as free from pain as possible, and that her final weeks or months are peaceful and happy. I'm sure you'll give her lots of love and care in the time she has left.
Comment by Jane Christensen on December 17, 2009 at 11:45pm
Oh Beth, I am soooo sorry! Our thoughts and prayers are with you and Alice! I know how hard it is as I've been through this a few times and no one can say the exact right thing for you and Alice other than to let you know we are thinking of you!

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