I having been trying to get a corgi for ever, and once I found a breeder through a friend, I was finally about to get one. Wynstan will be here on Nov 28th.

But I am very surprised that there is a website like this. I was glad to see a wealth of knowledge on here. Thank you all for the warm reception.

Just one more thing. What should I expect from my little furry bundle of joy on the first day here?

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Comment by Nancy Geddes on October 27, 2009 at 6:41pm
Congratulations on your first corgi and welcome to your new website home! I would dare say that everyone of us who shares the excitement of your first corgi relives the days when our furchild came home. Have a vet appointment made, crate in bedroom, spring water (something as simple as water can upset that tummy and this gives you a chance to wean your corgi onto your local water source), high quality dog kibble (see all our discussions on this topic!), blankets, natural rawhide chewies, camera, peace and quiet, sit back and revel in your corgiparenthood! Again, congratulations and corgi high fives from Bear, Tasha and Linus
Comment by Buddy & Wynstan on October 27, 2009 at 6:17pm
Thank you all so very much, seems like I made the right choice in getting a corgi as my first pet. I now have everything set up for his arrival. The house is just missing the pitter patter of tiny of corgi. Nov. 28th can not get here soon enough
Comment by Kathryn Graham on October 27, 2009 at 6:12pm
Amen to the crate! Our breeder had started the crate training, and we had the crate near us at night so we could say reassuring things when the whimpering started. Madoc fussed a little for the first three or four nights right at 11 p.m. and then settled right in. He loved soft toys in his crate for snuggling, and we took him out a lot those first weeks. He has been an excellent night-time sleeper ever since. Today is a dark and rainy day and Mad likes to go into the crate off and on for cozy naps. We were immediately crazy about him! He rules here!
Comment by Jane Christensen on October 27, 2009 at 5:27pm
I would take the crate when you pick him up also...he should start right away and then you don't have to worry about him in the car! I always crate my dogs in the car for their safety!
Comment by Melinda (Penny's Mom) on October 27, 2009 at 2:05pm
We also put Pennys crate in our bedroom for the first couple of weeks. We were luck with her though...the day we brought her home she walked right into the crate we bought her and she layed down!
Comment by Alice on October 27, 2009 at 11:26am
The first week was the time for us and Finn to adjust. I took the week off work to be home with him. There was a lot of peeing (we had to take him out at least every hour to limit accidents) and lots of napping with intermittent playing. The biggest adjustment for him was being away from his doggy family at night. We crated him and he cried during the night for about 3 nights. I found that putting the crate next to the bed helped because when he cried I could drop my hand down so he knew he wasn't alone and he would stop. Also during that week we had to get him used to being left in the crate or playpen while we left the room, and then the house. He didn't like us being out of sight but he learned that it was ok. It was definitely a busy first week but so nice to have that little puppy to snuggle with. :)
Comment by LaVerne & Shirley on October 27, 2009 at 11:14am

I used a "Snuggle puppy" for both of my pups to sleep with in their crate when I brought them home. Its a stuffed dog that has a heart beat and an optional warmer for your pup to snuggle up with. It really helped and they both loved their snuggle puppy. Here is the website.
Comment by Edward and Gemima on October 27, 2009 at 11:14am
Expect your heart to melt!!!!!!
Comment by christy fry on October 27, 2009 at 3:35am
I got Teagen(the profile pic.) at 6 wks and she just slept and slept for the first couple days and settled in quickly.
She was little and despite my best efforts did pee on the carpet a couple times( usally while I was deciding wether she was sitting or squating LOL ) so have some pet carpet or hard wood cleaner ready!!
Comment by Rachel on October 27, 2009 at 2:21am
The first week or so with Izzie was very hectic for me. She was a ball of energy and didn't settle in as quickly as our other Corgi (Lily) did when she was a pup. Izzie was also only 8 weeks when we got her and Lily was well around 4 mo old. One thing I would have done differently when I was trying to crate train her was to keep her in my bedroom (in the crate) so at least she knew she wasn't alone and then slowly move her into the final resting place of her crate. Another good thing to do is serve all of Wynstan's meals and treats in his crate so that he gets used to it being a "good" place. I also included some of my worn clothes in her kennel for her to get used to my scent. I hope this helps. Remember to take him out for lots of potty breaks because his bladder is very small!

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