Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )'s Comments

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At 5:07pm on March 13, 2010, Michelle Anderson gave Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) a gift
I don't know how they work either, so if you figure it out, let me know! In the mean time here is a ribbon for you!
At 5:04pm on March 13, 2010, Michelle Anderson said…
I have ideas, but I know it will come to me when I see him! They are four weeks now, litter of 6 boys!!! I get to drive over to see them in a week!!! I am thinking of Scout, Max, Jerry, Devin, just don't know! Do you have some ideas for me??????
At 2:49pm on March 13, 2010, Michelle Anderson said…
Thank you for your kind words! I am excited to get my little boy! I miss all the special ways Corgis have!
At 8:28pm on March 8, 2010, Bev Levy said…
What an incredibly nice thing to say. I really appreciate it. Corgi hugs!
At 9:42pm on March 5, 2010, Kathy Wiley said…
Sorry, when I posted I wasn't sure which "human" did the posting for LUCY so I referred to the name of the dog (pretty safe that way :) )
At 5:54pm on February 28, 2010, Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) said…
@Edward & Gemima- Thanks! I only saw a few seconds of Kirstie Alley and a R&W Corgi, but I taped it and hope to see it later. I'll let you know...
At 12:32pm on February 28, 2010, Edward and Gemima said…
awww thanks for your nice comment about Phinny. I wish I would've seen Kirstie Alley with her Corgis. Did you get to see it??? I love your pictures by the way.
At 9:04am on February 24, 2010, Sam Tsang said…
Hi Lucy, go to my page, right below my picture, click " send message" , that one is private.
At 12:25pm on February 23, 2010, Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) said…
Your kindness and your Corgi love make this site so special. Thanks to you and your team, MyCorgi feels like a big family.
At 11:11am on February 23, 2010, Sam Tsang said…
Thank you for your kind words Jack & Wendy, I'm just a regular guy, we have a good team here to keep things rolling. Our friendly members is what makes the site different :)
At 1:29am on February 23, 2010, Desert Corgi Pack said…
Thank you for your compliments!

As to increasing your herd...

Tag was two when we got another Corgi. We brought Razz in as a puppy (4 Weeks, long story). Tag and Razz are full sisters, just from different litters. Two years later we got Charmin who was around 10 weeks old. We brought in Lucky, who is Charm's full brother, a year after that when he was 3 months old. Just recently we adopted Ren, whom we believe was about 8 months at the time. As my wife is firmly in the lead of our pack, we haven't had any issues with integrating new corgi's into our pack. Also, foster dogs have come and gone, with few issues. There have been some issues with some Corgis being more playful or liking different games than others, but, overall, it's been fairly smooth. We found Linny at one point and he slowly worked his way into the pack as well. He now runs and plays with the Corgis and even plays tug of war.

Well, that's a pretty long comment, but, you did want to know about how we built our pack.
At 5:42pm on February 22, 2010, Sam Tsang said…
I'm not sure, here's the link, let me know :)
At 6:50pm on February 21, 2010, Pat Grissett said…
At 6:50pm on February 21, 2010, Pat Grissett said…
Lucy is a beautiful girl! Bet she sassy!
At 4:28pm on February 21, 2010, Jackson♥ said…
Hey! thanks for joining my group!!
At 1:19pm on February 21, 2010, Kathy Wiley said…
I can't wait to see a picture of your Gorki. And thank you so much for starting really does help heal the pain.
At 4:43pm on February 19, 2010, Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) said…
Lucy's a mama's girl, especially in new situations. But she's a daddy's girl because he's the one that does most of the long walks with her and she loves following him around on his chores. Of course she knows his outdoor chores so well that she loves to anticipate what he's going to do next and be one step ahead. Typical corgi!
At 10:04am on February 19, 2010, Donna said…
I think it is a good idea. people make scrap books and videos to keep memories alive. Pets can be part of the family and give us a lot of laughs and joy. so if you can remember that its a good thing.
At 9:19am on February 19, 2010, Ashley and Copper said…
Oh I know it. He was my boy through and through. My mom says we were made for each other. Copper (my corgi now) is a mama's boy too. He loves my boyfriend but I'm definitely the favorite. We swear he knows what we are saying. The one day I was sitting on the bed and my boyfriend was standing at the end of the bed scratching Cop. My bf said "Who's your favorite person bud?" Copper whipped right around and came and cuddled up next to me and gave my bf a look like DUH! lol They are definitely something else.
At 10:37pm on February 18, 2010, Jackson♥ said…
hey! do you wanna private chat? ive nevr done it before sooo yeahh! ahah LOL

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