Just taking a survey. I know you have should not bathe a corgi too often or their skin can dry out, but spring time is so dirty!! How much is too much and how much is not enough? Thanks in advance for any input!

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Mine get shampooed every 3-4 months when they start smelling like dog. we take them into get full groomed by professional  just before snow falls and as soon as spring drys up. Other than that when they get muddy we just spray the down with the shower head to get the main dirt and sand out of paws/ paws+belly. shampooing every time they get dirty tends to dry out my females skin.
Hmm... We've been giving Winnie a bath once a week (we've had her for a month). She gets a little stinky and has been very itchy (skin is dry and flaky) so she's been licking herself a lot!! It's also been rainy and gross here so she's been getting dirty.
If her skin is really dry I would cut back on the baths and see if that helps. I keep a towel by the back door to dry them off when they come in, and if that's not enough I have some hypoallergenic non-scented baby wipes I use to clean them up.
We think she might have food allergies, this might be part of it. She's currently on meds for Giardia and a bland diet :( Once we transition her back to the food she was on we'll be able to determine if the food is an issue. I'm hoping that's all it is.


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