Our puppy has been born, 5/4/08, our breeder's Daisy had 5 boys, 3 girls. We aren't sure which sex we will be getting yet, depends on which are show quality vs pet quality, then temperment. We are having a hard time deciding on a name. I wondered what you all thought. The pic on my icon is the babies daddy, Chip. All pups are red and white. Thanks for your input!!

Girls- Reese, Kara, or Hailey.
Boys- Kobey, Rosco, Bo,

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i found MyCorg.com when I did a seach for Corgi names! Chip is a doll--I'll bet the puppies are going to be just a cute! Our first Corgi we decided he had to have a British name and we settled on Basil. Then our next two Corgis we went with the royal family. LIzzie (registered as Q Lizzie Beth) and Fergie (FCFs Royal Ferguson). Brodie just fit our most recent edition. A good friend of mine had named her Corgi Falstaff. After Shakespear's character who was short, fat and funny. There are a couple of forums on the site about names.. ON your list I like Kobey for a boy and Haily for a girl. I like the name Reese for either sex. Good luck to you.
I like the name Bo for a boy ... (one of louis' nickname is boo)

and Kara is nice for a girl :)
ok, if i'm going pick from your list, I'll pick Kara and Kobey :)
reese or bo. i had a friend with a yorkie named pickle. your names are definitely an improvement...pickle suited that yorkie though strangely enough...
I like Reese, for a girl or boy. The Welsh spelling is "Rhys", more commonly a boy name, but also occassionally a Welsh girl name.

Kobey is a nice boy name.
I'm a "K" fan. Kobey and Kara for me. Kara is so cute. =P
I'm a fan of Kara & Kobey.
I feel your pain! My husband and I thought about names for months for Theodore, and in the end we ended up just keeping the name that the breeder gave him (she named the three boys of the litter after the 3 chipmunks).

Well I would start with the kind of names that you like. Do you like people names for dogs? Or hate people names for dogs? That helps narrow it down. Would you like a name that relates to your hobbies .For example, if you liked video games, you could name your puppy Zelda (assuming it's a girl). Or a character from a favorite book or musician or author. Or since you're getting a red and white, you could do the food thing and name him/her cinnamon or nutmeg. Or there's the more common names like Ranger, Bear, Zippy, Lulu, etc.

Hope that helps!
OK, I guess I am the odd ball... I really like Hailey! I think it is a very sweet name. I like all three boys names you have chosen, I cannot pick a top choice there. Congrats, and I can't wait to hear if you end up with a male or female.. and to see baby pics!
Reese for girl and Rosco for boy!
My own Corgi is named Rosoe, so I'm kinda biased towards that name. :D I really like Reese, as well as Bo.


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