My 5 year old corgi girl Sofi is ALWAYS panting. She's heavy breathing pretty much 24/7 except when she sleeps. I'm having a hard time figuring out if she's in pain somewhere or having problems other than with the heat. We run the aircon to keep the rooms decently cool during the day but at night we shut them off. Even with the air on though she's aaaaaalways panting! Her stool looks normal, she's drinking and eating normally, she's not exhibiting any other symptoms but it just seems like she's maybe too hot all the time. She's not excessively overweight, she's 11 inches at the shoulders and weighs 27 pounds... I know she could be a little trimmer but when I take her for walks her tongue turns purple and she really drags :P

Is she just too hot? What can I do to make her more comfortable and at the same time keep the apartment from being a refrigerator? I know shaving a corgi is not recommended and I would like to not clip her but if it will make her feel better I will do it.

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I know you don't want to panic...and I don't want to have you panic previous corgi was panting all the time.. his tongue and gums turned blue with exertion..a sign there is lack of oxygen..usually caused by a heart problem. He never lost his appetite...still wanted to play, go for walks, but would start to drag when he couldn't handle the strain. Please have him checked by another vet. Ask a breeder where you are of a vet they like. Also ask the breeder you purchased your Sofi from if any problems have shown up in any of the littermates. I hope you find some answers.
If her breath smells terrible she could be in pain from a rotten tooth. Good to have that checkred 1st and that should be easy to tell. Good luck and let us know what happens!
Plus, usually for a dental the anesthetize them, and they might suggest a blood workup prior to the procedure. That way you'll have a chance of finding out if there is anything else going on. Good luck! When my Bruce had bad teeth, he felt SO much better after they cleaned his teeth (and pulled about 6 of them!)
My mom took her to the vet today to have her checked. She has two very badly abscessed teeth that need pulled... :( The vet says that other than being a couple pounds overweight, she's otherwise in good health and her heart sounds just fine. The vet is going to pull her bad teeth and clean the rest of them. It's going to cost me $450.. :( It's going to be very hard on my finances... but she is obviously in a great deal of pain and this is what is bothering her, so I will spend whatever is necessary to make her feel better. I suppose this is "good" news that it is only her teeth, but it isn't great news for corgi or corgimom :(
Sarah, I am sooo happy that it wasn't her heart. Let us know how she is after everything. I will keep her and you in my prayers. I know it isn't easy when money is tight, but I am glad you are doing what is best for her and you.
I'm glad it wasn't her heart. Praying for a speedy recovery.


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