I have my first pup for 5 days now. He's 9 weeks and totally sweet. He behaves quite well, learns very quickly (Sit, Come) when given a treat. But I'm getting a little bit depressed - he doesn't like to pet! He even doesn't wag his tail when I'm approaching. He wags his tail to visitors or when excited over a toy. But not at me. He doesn't like to cuddle, just sniffs my hand for treats. I use playful intonation in my voice, I smile, but his tail won't move. He looks like he doesn't understand my language. I suspect that the breeder didn't spend much time with the pups. Or am I somehow wrong?

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Some dogs are quite independent, my Mocha doesn't usually wag his nubbin to me, only when he's in the mood, but he would do that to most strangers he meets. There are moments where Mocha would want to be alone and not be pet. Vienna on the other hand does that all the time to me, but not to strangers. She is always up for a pet. So from my experience, it really depends on your dog's personality.
Charlie didn't seem as interested in being petted as he was in playing when I first brought him home. I sat next to him or put him on my lap several times a day a petted him, brushed him, played with his feet anyway...though he didn't seem particularly thrilled for the first few weeks. He'll be one year old next month, and now he's happy to be a "lap dog" when I want to pet him, enjoys being brushed and comes up to me for belly skritches and pets.

I'm sure you can gently move him near you several times a day and condition him to human affection. When he's tired and puppy napping is a good time to put him on your lap and gently stroke him.
Cheez-it is 13 weeks, and he enjoys being pet, but only so he can pat me down for treats. If he is in my lap, his nose is burried near my pocket that I keep treats in. He hates being brushed, I have to bribe him to get it done and he never wags his stubby little tail unless there are other people around. I think he is always way too intrested in other things going on like "I might have food, where his toys are, frapping" to enjoy sitting still in the lap! He will do it if he is really tired, but even then it doesnt last long.
Chloe likes her freedom but also likes to be pet. We can tell when she wants to be pet because she comes over to us. We can also pet her when she is lying down on the floor and is sleepy. Your dog is probably adjusting.
My Theo was the same way when I first brought him home (at 9 weeks, the same age), and I had the same reaction! I thought he didn't like me very much. When Theo was with us a little longer and when he grew a bit, he was very different. Now he wags his little nub whenever I come home, and he tries to follow me wherever I go in the house. He's never been one for being pet, but over the months I've had him (he's 5 months now), he's learned to snuggle with me, and I've learned there are certain times that he wants to be pet and certain times that he doesn't. In the mornings if I lay down on the couch, he'll hop up and take a nap with me. At that time I can pet him all I want. But when he's hyper and playful, he won't want to sit and be pet, and that's ok! Just be patient. Your puppy is still VERY young. It's easy to forget they're just babies, and yours is still adjusting to his new environment. 5 days isn't nearly long enough to be completely settled in his new home or with his new people. Be patient. :)
When my twin first got her corgi, she HATED to be pet. She constantly backed off away from you every time someone reached out a hand to pet her, and just grabbed a toy or mouthed your hand. Now she's a year and a half old and loves to be pet and even cuddles. She has a lot of phobias and behavioral problems but being pet isn't one of them...now. It confused me very much because I've never known a dog to NOT want to be petted. I mean now only at 4 months old my borzoi, Vladimir, loves to be pet and cuddled. From the moment I met him he's never backed away from a pet or avoided a hug or cuddle. I couldn't imagine him not wanting to have a pat on the head or a big bear hug. I think in time your puppy will grow out of it. I think corgi pups are one of the most independent puppies you can get...ESPECIALLY at dog parks. They are like a little kid that doesn't like to get kisses from mama or papa in front of their friends, lol! Hope everything turns out alright - good luck :-)
I am SO relieved to read this..........I adopted Joey from a foster mom two weeks ago. I've always had Shelties so I'm not familiar with Corgi behavior. Joey is 8 y/o neutered male Pembroke. He is VERY sweet, gentle and calm. Almost TOO much so!
I feel like I've lost ground in the last two weeks since bringing Joey home--he comes to me less frequently and seems to want to be as far away from me as possible. He came from a home where he spent most of his time outdoors, day and night.
Aside from a skin condition which has caused lesions on his pads and crusties on his elbows he seems healthy. My Vet is treating him with Prednisone right now.
I'm puzzled by Joey's distant, almost sad and aloof behavior but this discussion suggests I should just continue to be kind, patient and calm and see what happens.
I allow (encourage) my dogs (Shelties) to sleep on the bed. Joey won't stay there more than a half hour...then jumps (A NO-NO for Corgis???)off the bed and goes to spend the night on the floor in another room.
Since I'm more or less rescuing Joey I don't expect him to conform to my life...I just wonder if he's genuinely unhappy here.
John, I wouldn't think he is unhappy at all. He is just trying to find his place and may be nervous about being inside and the closeness. Some Corgis will never be snugglers, but will still be wonderful companions. Be patient. I'll bet one evening you will be sitting and Joey will stealthly sneak by your side.
Timmy is very independent as well. He will ocassionally come on my lap, but mostly he watches me from some other place in the room. I mostly have had GSD's and they are somewhat aloof as well. I feel that they each show their love and affection differently and many are never going to be snuggle bunnies. They were bred to be working dogs that come in with the family in the evenings, and many stay true to that type.

Have you signed up for puppy classes yet? That is a way to start a good bond with your pup. Give lots of treats and I'll bet that'll help him feel more bonded as well. Remember that you are the bearer of all things good, including treats, so use them! At 9 weeks, he's still an infant and not sure of what his role and job will be. He's probably trying to figure out what the rules of the house are and how he fits in. Patience, training and doing lots of fun things, going places and exposing him to all kinds of exciting things together will set the tone for your future relationship.
It took awhile to ocur to me that we can relate to this discussion, only with our lab/dane mix. Ever since we brought him home, he's been aloof and distant. Oh, he enjoys going for walks and rides in the car, and he'll be right there when I ask "who wants a cookie?", but when it comes to being phyiscally close he wants nothing to do with any of us. If one of us tries to sit next to him on the couch, he just gets up and sleeps somewhere else. Yet I know he loves us, its just the way he is. We've had him for 9 years now, the big goof. He's just got a different personality than my corgi/elkhound, who follows me everywhere and mopes when I'm gone.
I think it just depends on the dog. I've had two corgis. Our foster one was a TOTAL love machine. He'd rather be cuddled and snuggled than eat or go for walks. He loved to be by you, stroked and everything to do with affection. Then on the other hand, we have a female corgi who would rather sleep somewhere else than by a warm body. But, she's very affectionate at times, such as she gives kisses and snuggles but it's totally tame compared to our other corgi. We also have a Borzoi who just loves to be cuddled, pet and snuggled. I think it just depends on the breeding and personalities of the dog.


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