Our 6 month old Corgi has just started coughing and dry heaving today and the last hour it has been more frequent.  The past few days he has thrown up several times.  He still has energy and will eat, but he hasn't done anything like this before so does anybody have any advice?  He might possibly be at the end of his teething.  When he was teething bad he would throw up but wouldn't really do the coughing thing.  Can they get sore throats or is there anything we can do for him?  We don't want to take him to the vet unless it's necessary.  He still has energy and is eating so we haven't been too concerned, but it's just strange. Advice please!

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At the very least I would call the vet asap tomorrow morning and get him checked out. Dog's generally don't cough for no reason. It could be kennel cough and with such a young puppy I wouldn't take any chances.

I agree with Jane, I would want to have the cough checked out, to make sure it isnt anything serious!!


It sounds like kennel cough if he is coughing, or if the vomiting came first he could have aspiration pneumonia and the sooner he is seen the less likely complications will occur. Is he around other dogs much?
Hi Brittani, would you mind video taping the coughing / dry heaving and upload it here? What did he throw up? Liquid / foam / food?

I would bring him to the vet.  When they are little they can go down hill very quickly.  When Quincy was 3 months old he was playing at the puppy socialization group vomited and just was not himself.  A couple hours later his breathing became labored (loud).    I called his vet and they were closed, but the emergency vet was open.  It was the Sat of Labor day weekend so I brought him to the emergency vet rather than wait for his vet.  I was glad I did he ended up having aspiration pneumonia. 

When he throws up it's more of a flemmy foam.  He hasn't done any coughing for about an hour now but did throw up the flemmy foam.  He is still really active and wanting to eat so we are going to give him a little bit of rice and boiled ground beef to see if that will settle his tummy.  My husband is going to call the vet in the morning.  He seems to be fine for the most part now so if we can avoid the ER vet as much as possible we will.  We have already had to go that route once before. He hasn't really been around any other dogs.  The one he was around it was only for about ten seconds and that was like a month ago.  He is supposed to start puppy training classes wed night so I hope we can get him better before then.  


Glad to hear he still wants to eat.  Let us know how you make out at the vet.
I would definitely get him checked out if he's going to puppy class. Kennel cough is very contagious and you wouldn't want to expose him to other puppies.
he just coughed up a chunk of cowhide so hopefully he will be ok now!
Hi Brittani, based on the info you've given so far, if he is not actually coughing, it could have been a harmless reverse sneezing. It is very common for dogs to throw up after rawhide, you want to supervise him and make sure he doesn't swallow something too big too much at a time, rawhide and expand and sometimes cause blockages.


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