Everything I've read so far is on average once a month for corgi baths. They say not to do it that often. Obviously, if they roll around in the mud, get icky stuff on them, etc. you'd give them a bath. But, how often do you typically do this. After only a week I cleaned Penelope's ears with doggie ear cleaning wipes, should she have had a bath too? I'm sure she'd hate a bath!

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I bath mine once a month. Ears get cleaned once a week, nail trimming is every two weeks. And I comb them every two or three days.
I try to give Mei baths once a week....sometimes every 2 weeks if I'm really busy. If you don't have the time, you could try using cleaning wipes. I use that on Mei after the dog park a lot and it helps. The best thing you could go is brush them. Brushing is a good cleaning, esp the furminator.
We give Milo a bath every month or so. In the winter time, we give him less. In the summer time, we give him more baths since he's out rolling on the grass or dog park. His ears get more dirty when he's outside more.

We clean his ears with some q-tips since. I'm just very gentle. He gets a shampoo and conditioning when he is bathed. We do his teeth bi-weekly and his nails bi-weekly too. Depends on how dirty he gets.
depends, anywhere from once a month to every couple days. we have dirt roads here and when it rains her stomach gets filthy, after i was her (i only use soap once a month or every two months) there is litterly an inch of dirt in the tub! haha
Cheez-it is a little dirt-ball. He has had 6 baths already and he has only been home for 2 months or so. One was the day after I got him and I felt he had adjusted to "home". The other was a few weeks later when he had a nasty bout of tapeworms and the de-wormer made him sick to his stomache (yuck). The next three were from his phase where he would poop and then step in it, or poop and then fall back in it(why?). The most recent was from his first beach trip. I will take him to the ocean every morning and plan on just giving him a freshwater rinse afterwards and a good brushing.

I have been using regular baby-wipes to clean his dirty little feet and occasionally his butt. They come in real handy. Oh and I gave him a backside only wash once because a bird pooped on his leg! (doh!).
haha, Penny finally had her first bath after playing with some other dogs in the family, she started to smell like them! But, I have had to bathe her feet only from stepping in her poop a few times. Yes, for other things, those baby wipes are great!
Brody usually ends up getting a bath about once a month - usually after going camping, or he's gotten into the compost bin again (loves to nap on top of the pile of grass and leaves - WARM AND STINKY) or if he's going to stay with friends who take care of him when we go away and he can't come along. He doesn't really enjoy his bath - tolerates them at best... so like others have said, furminator, wiping paws, etc. usually takes care of most of the dirt.
We have had cruise for 2.5 months and he has only had 1 bath thus far...now that it is warm, he does love frolicking in the sprinkler...a wipe down with a towel keeps him clean. Tiki, we've had her about 15 months has had about 12 or 13 baths. I finf that they do not really get that dirty unless it rains and there is a lot of mud. Using the furminator they stay pretty clean and have healthy coats.
winnie has had 3 baths since we got her in december. she just doesn't seem to need it. we have had to either wash her feet or use baby wipes on her a few times, but she never smells like a dog and she is insted during the day.


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