Jack and the Easter Cake: Let's hear funny food stories!

Let's hear your funny "Corgi and food" stories!


Neither of my dogs actively beg, though both will sit hopefully nearby when we eat.  They will crowd my husband because he sometimes gives them bits of apple or popcorn.  


However, there are some things they know they get and then it's another story.  We sometimes give them scrambled eggs, and we always toss them a few bits of breakfast cereal if we're having that in the morning.  They'll get a little lettuce when we're making a salad, and the tiniest crumb of cheese if we're making a sandwich.


For the foods that the dogs know they will get, Jack will helpfully remind us if we "forget."  He's so thoughtful!  :)   He'll sit in the kitchen and say "Huph" under his breath, wait 30 seconds and say "Huph" again.  So if for instance we have scrambled them an egg and it's cooling on the counter; or if my husband "forgot" to give them their obligatory 2 bits of cereal, he'll "huph" in the kitchen til we "remember" his share.  


That's the backstory.


For Easter, I made a lemon pound cake and baked it in a Bundt pan.  Those of you who bake may know that "depanning" can be difficult with a Bundt.   Well, last Saturday, a fancy dessert was not to be.  I tried every trick I knew, but the cake came out of the pan in bits.  I'd say about two-thirds came out on the first attempt.  After much effort, about another sixth came out, then a chunk, then a section, and so on.  It was a moist cake so I managed to cobble it back together (thank goodness it was for family and not a formal occasion!).  But in the process, a big hunk fell on the floor.


Jack managed to get a nice big hunk before I got it away.  Poor Maddie was too slow on the uptake and missed her share.  But... well, I guess Jack now thinks that lemon Bundt cake is on the list of "food the dogs get."   


I put the cobbled-together cake on the counter to cool.... and Jack sat in the kitchen the entire time, saying "Huph" very helpfully, every minute or so.  No pacing, no whining, just patiently lying on the kitchen floor.   "Huph.   (pause pause pause)  Huph."   


I put the cake in a covered cake-carrier and he figured no more was coming his way, but the next morning I glazed it and left the carrier open for the glaze to set while we ate breakfast and, you guessed it:  "Huph" the entire time. 


There were leftovers which went in the freezer.  The other night my husband and I got a piece out and left it to thaw on the counter.  Jack ignored it while it was wrapped, but when we cut it in pieces and left it on plates to come to room temperature, well back he went to lying patiently on the floor, "reminding" us that he had not yet had his share.  


Silly Corgis!


Anyone else have funny food stories?  I'm sure there are lots out there!

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Sunny looooves watermelon! A few weeks ago we bought one from the market in the zentrum and as I was trying to pay for it Sunny realized that it was ours! I couldn't get home fast enough for her that day! She even stared the watermelon the whole time we were on the train!! She kept licking her chops and giving me the "I'm a poor starving puppy" look (that works every time on my husband!). Needless to say after dinner that night when I started to cut it, she was more than happy to have the first piece!!!
Oh how I have food stories... I'll tell you the one that ended up with a vet visit.
Jesse is really smart when it comes to food. And she tends to take advantage of people who aren't familiar with her ways. My roomie had about 3 pieces of pizza on a plate and was walking to the couch to sit down. She jumped up and stole 2 of the pieces and took about 3 seconds to devour them. The next day we left a bowl of popcorn unattended for about 5 seconds and it was gone. The next day we took her on a walk and about 30 minutes in she just starts squatting and bloody mucousy stuff comes out. So I rush her to the vet. No worms, blood looks good, all the bases were covered. All we could figure out was that she had an irritated colon from all the popcorn or the greasy pizza. She's been banned from human food ever since and we've had no problems! At least we get to joke about her "butt problems" if she eats human food.

She also is addicted to alcoholic beverages. One night she drank a whole vodka cranberry in about 3 seconds. Luckily the person the drink belonged to likes their drinks light. But I stayed up with her that night to make sure she didn't show any signs of poisoning or anything. She has also gotten into wine, beer etc. We always joke around and call her an alcoholic. I know how bad alcohol is for dogs, she just steals it! Anyway, now every time she jumps up to the coffee table or side table to steal a drink of anything we say "Remember jesse! That's how you got drunk!"
Emma's favorite food is, hands-down, bananas.  Her "daddy" eats a lot of them and when she was younger he gave her a piece to see if she liked it.  Now it's gotten to the point where as soon as you open one she comes running.  I don't know if it's the smell or the sound or what but she always knows, and she always gets the last bite.  On the few occasions we've forgotten, she sits by her dish and looks at us very pathetically and sighs loudly as if disgusted.  They always make sure we know what they're thinking!

I was taking Corky for a walk one fall afternoon and there was a large pile of leaves next to the gutter that was quite deep, Corky was very interested in this pile of leaves. He was on the curb looking at it and trying to guage a leap, when he did finally leap off the curb he completely disappeared into the leaf pile. After a few moments and leaves flying he leaped out with a full sub sandwich in his mouth! Who knew the treasures that lie beneath! ( by the way he was not allowed to eat it)


Lovely story! Corgi's I have to say do tend to be food critics at times. My corgi Kitty is the only one allowed to roam the house at night while the others sleep in crates, well one night we were up making dinner and we had bad weather coming in. Well since we don't have a storm shelter and our neighbor does we usually go over there if theres a storm warning. Now if we get a tornado warning we will bring the dogs with us but often if its just for severe winds and etc. we will leave them in the house as they don't make a fuss and hate going out in the rain.


So on this particular night we ended up going over to the neighbors since our house had lost power due to strong winds and rain so we put the food out on the counter. Now Kitty really likes just about any food but she really likes Cashew Chicken. Well when we came back to the house after about 15 minutes of being gone, we come in the house and there Kitty is sitting in the floor smiling. We go into the kitchen to see about half the pan of chicken is eaten and nothing else touched....


It was rather funny because not all of the chicken was eaten on select few peices. The only thing we can figure is she had to of gotten on the back of the couch and jumped over to the counter then jumped down. Very crafty these Corgi's are!

I take Jerry to my family's pub for every Nebraska football game and am always fighting off everyone who want to give him human food.  Well, I ordered spinach artichoke dip....turned my back for a second...and Jerry is on the chair at the table with his head in the dip bowl.  He looked up with dip all over his face like "huh?".  He devoured it.

My story isn't a corgi story but it's a funny dog story anyway. Several years ago a friend of the family was over for dinner and we made ice cream sundaes for dessert. After we had all put whipped cream on our ice cream and went into the dining room my friend thought it'd be funny to squirt some whipped cream into the dogs mouths. To this day every time they hear whipped cream they come RUNNING into the kitchen hoping they will get a squirt! Its pretty funny to see a pack of dogs run to the kitchen at full speed at the sound of a whipped cream container!

This is not a corgi story, but a food story none the less.  When I was about six or seven years old, we had a Collie/Lab cross that was named Hip.  Hip was a dog that never liked being inside (broke out every time we brought him in) and had a habit of hunting local wildlife.  (He could catch/eat a porcupine without getting barbs stuck in his face.)

Well, one day my dad is out working the grill.  He has a bunch of Cornish hens on a rotissery attached to the grill.  He begins taking them off the rotissery when Hip snatches the last (and I think biggest) off the spigot.  My dad ended up chasing him around the yard and got the bird back (much to Hip's disappointment).  No one else wanted the dog's bird, so he was the unfortunate one that got to clean and eat it.

Oliver is always looking for something more interesting than his regular fare of kibbles, chow, puppy chews or busy bones!   What his beloveds are eating ,is always far more interesting then lapping at what is in his bowls on the kitchen floor or scooping up treats on the dining or living room floors !  Oliver is EXCELLENT (8/10), odds would be better if I was a  better pitcher!) at catching food we throw to him.  We refuse to feed him at our dinner table, because we don't want to develop a full blown beggar, but while we are in the kitchen baking or cooking  near his dish, or sitting watching tv with popcorn or pistachio's, we might toss him a treat of ours!  He is unbelievable at how he catches his treats.  He  loves multi-grain cheerios, pop-corn and granola bars!  His favorite treat is Milk Bone Granola Biscuits with a smattering  of Peanut butter on top in his Kong  before crating.   My husband keeps telling me I should take him to Vegas for the other special tricks and things he does at less than 6 months old.  He's an amazing dog, despite his puppy naughtiness which, while exhausting at times, in some ways still seems endearing to me!  My husband, however, is not always feeling it!  Ruff, ruff, ruff!  Read in a Pembroke Corgi book that Corgis often attach themselves to one person in the family ( I'm it!)  and tolerate everyone else.  So much fun and so much learning!   

Not a corgi story, but my ex had a Lhasa Apso Shiz Tsu mix.  We left her in the apartment while we went across the street to get the laundry.  We left a pizza on the coffee table.  She usually would watch us from the window then meet us at the door.  This time she met us as the door and then ran under the bed.  The pizza box was on the floor.  She ate one whole piece and all the toppings off the rest of the pizza.


She also stole an avocado from the kitchen table.  She ate half of it and tucked the other half away for safe keeping.  My ex found it when he moved a tv cart.  The cart had a wheel that would fall off and, at first,  the remaining avocado looked like the wheel-then we figured out what it was.


Butler hops when I'm getting his food ready-he reminds me of a low rider car bouncing on its rear tires.

I am slowly starving Snickers to death. Or at least that's her story. I feed her in various creative ways to make her eat more slowly, or she would eat her bowl of food in 3 gulps. For her, dog kibble is a treat. She has to sit or roll over to get a kibble. The problem is she often leaves bloody stumps where my fingers used to be. (just kidding). But she doesn't like dog biscuits. When we go to the pet store and the clerk offers her a biscuit she would either turn her nose up, or politely take it then walk away and spit it out. Then in June we got Dolly. Dolly's favorite treat is Milk Bones. Dolly was not used to sleeping in a crate so her treat for getting in was a Milk Bone. I didn't think it fair to give Dolly a treat and not the other two so they got a Milk Bone too. Of course Snickers turned her nose up at it, so I just tossed it in the crate with her, turned my back and heard "crunch, crunch, crunch". Now every night we play the game of her turning up her nose... I notice she goes to bed more enthusiastically lately!

HI! I'm new and I loved reading these stories. Just wanted to add my own.

My Corgi, Thea, is very good about begging and not sneaking food. I can leave a plate of delicious, dog-baiting human food on the dining table for any amount of time and not be worried that she'll grab it. She comes running when I'm opening something in the kitchen (especially if it's cheese), but a firm word will send her away until I've eaten my fill and then I'll call her over to have a nibble.

The one food that threatens to unravel Thea's good behavior is Cheez-Its. I love them myself, as they are my guilty pleasure, but hadn't really kept them in the house regularly since I've had Thea. But I gave into my Cheez-It craving one day a few months ago and bought a box. Thea came running, and I let her taste one or two squares. She curiously sniffed them at first, then gobbled them down and jumped up on her hind legs and swatted at me for more. 

One afternoon, I left to make a quick ten-minute trip to the grocery store (I had just come back from shopping, but forgot to pick up something) and left a new box of Cheez-Its on the dining table. I came back to find that the box been knocked onto the floor and ripped open. Cheez-Its--some whole, some half-eaten, some crushed into powder--were strewn randomly all over the floor, from the dining area to the front door. I found Thea sitting in her kennel with a stash of Cheez-It treasure, munching away.

Now, if I DO bring Cheez-Its into the house, I have to sneakily put them away because I think Thea recognizes the box. If I want to eat them in peace I have to hide in my bedroom with the door closed, but she always knows.


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