I have a 9 month old 25 lb. male corgi. He is not the best eater, in fact he is very picky. He eats about 1/2 to 1 cup of Fromm's per day. Usually mixed with yogurt or broth. He's very active and he's in perfect health according to the vet. From other corgis I've seen and one that I had previously (adopted as an adult), he looks extremely small in comparison. Although he is probably considered normal in weight for his age, he has a thin and athletic looking shape. Not thick like the signature corgi look. When do they usually fill out?
I have a lean corgi, compared to my angel corgi who was a bruiser. Bootsie is more corgi looking but LO is def. long legged and lean and muscular.
I also have encountered surprise when I say my Lucy is actually pretty agile and very, very fast. They assume because she is small, she is delicate. They should see her play fetch and frisbee with me! She may be slender and small, but she is far more of an athlete than I am!! This makes sense to those of us who remember Corgis are indeed herding dogs which requires stamina, strength, and agility. When I finish my obedience class, I am seriously considering doing some agility training with her.
Both my pups come from the same person. My Kali is a 1 yr and 2 months old. She is small and at 18.6 pnds. She has small feet and thin.. I like it. Then Kowboy is 8 weeks and 5 days and he is right now 5 pnds, but right now I can see that he is fuller then Kali ever was as a baby.. His feet are the same size as hers right now.. So he is going to be bigger, but males are.. See Kowboy's ears are not as big as Kali's was as a baby and he is more fluffy as a baby then her. Its crazy to compare the two since they came from the same mom and dad and are a year and 6 days apart..
This is somewhat of a relief to me. Brody is about 7 months and 21.5lbs and I've had numerous comments (from non-corgi owners) that he is chunky. Usually they say something along the lines of "well he sure doesn't miss a meal"... I started to take him on long daily walks and to me, he looks like a healthy corgi, but, I've done the rib check and...well, lets just say I know they are in there!
Ironically enough, I was at the salon getting a facial and came to found out that my esthetician has a little corgi boy too that is only two weeks younger than Brody! Of course, we made plans to go on a walk once a week for them to play together. Her corgi is about 18lbs. I was discussing his diet with her though, and he has a terrible diet compared to Brody's and he gets less exercise yet he is thinner. The only thing that I can think of is that her dog isn't neutered and Brody was neutered at 4 months.
In short, for 9months old 25lbs seems about right to me if he has an athletic shape.
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