So, Halloween is coming up.. I'm interested to hear what kinds of costumes your corgis will be sporting this year!?

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I already have matching bear costumes (with red hearts and bows) for my pups. Of course, the problem with fitting costumes on corgis is that, while they fit around... they're just a bit shot length wise so the hood doesn't really stay up. They still look really cute though. Here are some pictures (I haven't been able to get them to sit still long enough for a picture together yet):


What a good looking bear. Hope your able to get more pictures
This gives me an idea! Couldn't you take a real teddy bear (not one you love) and transform it into a costume? It would involve slicing open its belly and disemboweling it, but I'm sure it could be done nicely. Cutely, in fact. I'll have to ponder this one.

I've seen it done before ( the dog had gutted it actually) and it had worked.


My angel...looking a little peeved because it's WALK time not COSTUME time, MOM!!!   geez!!
The perfect angel.
that's a great costume, it looks so comfy.
i love the fairy costume!!! His/her face looks just like my Gracie!
She's perfect! I can't wait to see what you come up with for Justice. Maybe you can find a dragon costume to pair with the fairy.
Love this!

Henry does not care for his banana hat lol.


He seems quite happy about the costume once the hat it gone, though.  ;)  They're so cute!


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