Hi all,

I have a question for you - how many hours a day do your corgis sit around the house and what do they do mostly, during those hours?

I work at home so our babies are fortunate in that they get a mid-day outing to break up the day but still, they spend 4-5 hours at a stretch sleeping on the couch. I wish they'd entertain themselves better but despite the large number of toys they have lying all over our living room, they're not interested in playing with them or with one another.

I guess I'm just being the worrywart I always am but - is it healthy for them to just lie around sleeping for so many hours a day?

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Mine are alone usually from 8-1, and then 2-3:30. They get a kong with a bit of peanut butter in the morning which is always cleaned out, but they are almost always asleep when I come home for lunch at 1:00. I think it's pretty normal. :)

Since I'm retired, Gromit and I spend all day together.  He's even lazier than I am!   Most of his day is spent sleeping or if I do something he'll follow me around but he leads a pretty inactive life apart from our walks and play time in the backyard.  He has near zero interest in toys beyond a cow hoof to chew on.

Noodles is left alone from 6:30am to 4:00pm. He has access to the whole house, so if he wanted to play with his toys, he sure can. We usually find him sleeping on daddy's couch downstairs or the evidence of him sleeping on it (wet spots on the couch from his nose). I'm pretty sure he sleeps most of the time because on the weekends or if I'm home from work (notice I said me? and this is mom writing), I'm always moving and since he wants to be everywhere I am, he will drag himself to follow me even though he is dead tired. I realize he still needs his naps on the weekends and he is 6.5. If he doesn't get his naps, he will crash about 7:30pm and he will have to be carried usptairs because he is too tired to climb the steps. Noodles gets 2 jogs a day and then we play both tug-o-war and ball for an hour in the evening. Noods just needs his beauty sleep. 

Noodles! hahaha love it.

Well our babies are only 19 months old so they are full of energy. I wish they'd play more though! We've tried to teach them fetch (I've seen lots of people throwing frisbees for their corgis) but they won't do it and so I'm at a loss about how to play with them, especially indoors. They end up sitting all the time while we do "boring" people things like watching tv or reading which I'm sure is really dull for them.

I guess I'm doing what the Dog Whisperer says you should never do - humanizing dogs.I keep thinking how bored I would be if I had to sit on a couch and sleep for something like 16 hours a day - if I had to live solely for the 2.5 hours a day I got to go outside (we live in an apartment unfortunately) for exercise. It'd be like being in prison - I would go insane! Maybe though, they're OK with it. My husband thinks they are.

Lol About carrying Noodles up the stairs! And I also find out where mine has been from her wet nose clues!!

I should mention that years ago I came home to find my bed unmade and the pillow pulled off onto the floor and covered with Corgi fur.  I set up my web cam with the motion sense activation to discover who the culprit might be (different corgis then).  I was able to get the goods the pillow perpetrator but also learned that they really don't do much during the day except sleep or chew on a toy.

haha! Well yeah we're lucky they don't get into too much trouble. We're very lucky they have zero interest in chewing electrical cords and shoes and such. They DO however, decimate the occasional dog bed and drag the stuffing all over the place.

Frosty is alone from 7:30am-5:30pm.  If the weather is nice, I leave him in the fenced front yard with a chew bone of some sort (usually a braided bully stick).  If it is raining or cold, I leave him in the house with the chew bone and the TV on.  No matter where he is, he spends 90% of the time sleeping.  It is not unusual or unhealthy for them to sleep for long periods of time as long as you are exercising them regularly when they are awake (walks and stuff)

Chris - yeah? Well OK maybe I'll chill out then and not worry so much.

Mine hates staying outside! No matter the weather. She will Play outside if we are with her, but if she's by herself she goes crazy trying to get in!

My understanding is dogs spend about 14 to 16 hours per day sleeping.   Perfectly normal!  They normally sleep in 15 minutes cycles or so.

I bring Ralphie to work with me sometimes and the minute we get here he falls asleep, then I take him for a walk and when we get back he sleeps until it's time to go home.  Plus he sleeps through the night.  So Im guessing he sleeps about 16 hours plus a day.  I was worried at first if he was sick but seems like its pretty normal.  He's currently 8 months old.


If Ralphie doesn't go to work with me, I leave him a Kong filled with a biscuit and leave him with a bunch of chew toys.  I'm pretty sure the Kong only entertains him for about 5-10 minutes. We take him on 1-2 walks and/or to the dog park once a day.  Play ball with him in the living room and practice training (sit, shake, down, heel etc) after dinner.  I do worry that he is extremely bored as well. He loves ripping up his stuffed animals and taking out all their stuffing. Been trying to think of ways to create more stimulating activities -maybe one of those puzzle toys?  We do love bully sticks as Ralphie can spend awhile chewing on that thing but it gets quite expensive.


I can't help but humanize him as well.  :)


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