Does anyone else have a lazy Corgi? I swear my youngest is lazy, he even sits while he eats! Butterball loves to go for walks and runs,but not Baxter! I started walking Baxter down the block and half way he stopped, sat down and just looked at me. Then he got up and started heading back! He mosies everywhere he goes, his full speed is a slow walk! He reminds me of Eyore from Winnie the Pooh! Vet says he's healthy as a horse, so it's not a medical issue. He does play and wrestle with Butterball but he does not like to run a lot or take long walks. I always thought Corgi's were dogs full of energy like our Butterball, but apparently this little guy takes aafter his mom! (ME) and prefers sunning himself in the back yard instead of running laps!

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Oh this sounds familiar. I have Maggie,an 18 month old going on 16. She is very sweet, but ohhh so mellow. I have to tell her we are going to see her dog friends to even get her off the porch. I pull her for the first block, then she will walk a slow trot. If she walks with other dogs, she acts like a normal dog should. But, with just me, it is like pulling teeth.

She won't run out the door-leave the property, cross the street or chase cats. So, that is all good. Ans she lets me hug and kiss her whenever I want to.

She is a happy dog, but I wonder if she needs a corgi boyfriend...any feedback?


My Frodo must have gotten all of Baxter's energy! He has two speeds...full steam ahead or fall down and sleep.

I have 3 and one of them is definitely lazy. He is a total couch potato and doesn't even want to go outside with the other 2 (who are extremely high energy little thugs).  His safe haven is my husband's lap and he can go to sleep anywhere, anytime.  Extreme contrast to the other two. 

Aber has always been the world's laziest dog.  He hated walks, unless there was another dog involved, or it was in the woods.  Once he got past the early puppy frapping stage (at like 8 months) he basically wanted to lay around on the couch.  He has never chased a ball or other toys.  Although he loves food, he was never interested in a Kong treat ball because it was too much work. 

I too have a lazy boy, to the point if we get up in the night to use the toilet, we have to step over him, as it is just too much effort to move for you.  He does not go out for a walk, he goes for a drag, and really just wants to lie down, close to whoever is in the house and snooze and then maybe move and snooze some more!


Frosty is a lazy bum too.  I also started a discussion about it lol!!!


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