So I finally broke down and bought a thundershirt for Percy last week. He's a terrible car passenger and cries the entire time.  We were going to my folk's for Thanksgiving about an hour and a half away.  I had tried the shirt on him a few times before that to get him used to it and as soon as I put it on him, he just ran around the house constantly.  He has a bit of an anxiety problem and even pulls his own fur out on his hind quarters when we all start coming home from school and work. He kind of chases his tail and bites himself.  He's got a slight bald spot which the vet's office always inquires about.  I don't know if they think we're doing something to him or what.  Unfortunately, it seems he is more anxious since we got Arwyn...jealous of the attention she gets, etc... I had high hopes that I would be able to use it during all of these times and it would help, but the constriction of it seems to make him even more anxious.


So, the car ride started bad and we decided to pull over and put the shirt on him.  If there was any difference at all, it was in that he quit trying to jump in the front seat.  He did however, whine the entire way there. 


Arwyn however always wants the shirt on her and she's the most mellow girl ever.  She does have a fear of thunder, so I can try it out on her...won't be for a few months since we're approaching winter weather.


I have tried a calming type spray but that did not seem to help at all. 

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I bought one late this summer but we haven't had any storms since I bought it. I have had it on Wiley and she seems to like it.

Arwyn likes it too.  I did a lot of reading of reviews and I haven't seen any that say the dog gets more anxious when you put it on.  Go figure!  He has never been one for clothes of any type though.


Have you tried "Rescue Remedy"?  I used it for my shepherd that had seizures and it worked well.

No, but I thinkI looked into that at one time....that's good to know, thanks.


i bought a thunder shirt for chloe a few months ago and have really good results with it so far. chloe gets worked up at any noise, storms, and we recently added a kitty to our family. we brought him in with the shirt on her and it could not have gone better. as soon a we put it on she stops barking/whining and just lays down and watches what is going on. the ultimate test though was the vacuum cleaner. normally she losses it upon sight, i dont even have to turn it on. after getting the thundershirt for her i was able to vacuum in complete peace without having to lock her in a different room. it was the first time in 5 yrs i have been able to vacuum without her attacking and barking the whole was fantastic.

Our non-corgi girl Amy, has a horrible fear of storms (and fireworks).  We think the Thundershirt works great!  Sometimes she is so upset we have to force her get up and let us put it on her.  After a few minutes she is resting peacefully near me.  We love it!  Amy says, "It should just be call 'Shirt' cuz I could wear it all the time!"

We've been thinking about getting one for our boy Merlin.He hates fireworks,wind etc.We're planning on going back to Disneyland around the first of the year and maybe THIS time We can stay to see the fireworks :).Last year,We had him and Keri outside on their leashes in the RV Park watching the first night.I turned around and My poor Hubby had been dragged back to the RV at top speed!!Merlin hates them!!


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