i didnt want to leave you all hanging without any pics so here they are! im glad that u are all happy as i was a little worried of announcing the new arrivals as i didnt want anyone to think i was rushing but it was time and my mom even said if i dont do it now it may not ever happen. i think teddy would be pleased with dollar and the new puppy (we need a name!) she is so sweet and kind. we got her from the same breeder we are getting our puppy from, i mean how cool is that? our puppy is 5weeks in this picture and dollar is 7. i must say i love the fact that shes older. no crying at night, no accidents, and she already well socialized so she LOVES every person she meets along with dogs.
*the pic of our puppy laying on his back was when he was 3weeks old. if u think of any names feel free to share. he was born on thanksgiving day. my husband wants to name him Scoutthis is what his dad handed me on Christmas day =D
dont mind the ripped up cardboard. my cats did that this morning lol
i am really hoping he does! i just love redheaded tris. his brother is one but my hubby really loves this little guy so we have to stick with him lol even if he dosnt change we will still love him. his mother is a red headed tri and his mom is a red and white so its possible:)
I'm putting my money on him being a red-headed tri! They usually take almost a year or more to fully shed out to have the red head. And as for a name, my cousin's German Shepherd was named Money....it sounds weird now but it really fit him! I also like somebody's suggestion of Bill! Super cute.
Here's a picture of Franklin's sister when she was about 4 weeks old, she is now a red-headed tri. I remember reading on here if they have black lining in the rims of their ears (like Dollar) they will remain black headed but if the inside lining is red they will turn red-headed
Aw he's so cute! Congrats on the new additon(s) Plural at that! Now you have two little shorties running around :D I'm kind of confused with the pictures. Is the puppy pictures your new puppy and the adult corgi is Dollar? They look so similar I would think it's the same dog!
lol my vet also got confused when i showed him pictures. dollar is the adult dog and the puppy (boy) will be our new addition on the 14th
It's so nice that you have two new furbabies!! I think Teddy would be pleased to know you have them. He knows you needed someone to love.
Sounds weird, but Cents came to mind!! You'd have Dollar and Cents!! LOL!! I like unusual names. Enjoy your Michigan doggies:)
lol! thats cute. i love unusual names too. ill put that down on the name list :)
i would but penny is more of a girl name lol
Awwww so cute! I firmly believe that a new furry family member is a living tribute to the ones that have passed on. When my last corgi, Buffy, died unexpectedly we brought Izzy home 3 days later. Now that was a little fast but circumstances just developed very fast and I have never regretted it. I love the photos! Best wishes from all of us.
me too =)
thank you Bev :)
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