Age: 3 to 5 years old

Sex: Male/neutered

Breed: Corgi

Rico is a male Corgi, between 3-5 years old. He weighs 26 lbs. His ears were brutally hacked off by a puppy mill breeder, but he is still adorable. He will lose his foster home soon and urgently needs a foster or permanent home prior to October 15. He is a bit shy and he gets along well with people and other dogs. He's had a "ruff" life and deserves better. 


Ocean Dog Rescue, Richmond, BC

  • 604-779-7977


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awww, so sweet....the story about rolling over for a belly rub, when he was being said goodbye to, brought a tear to my eye.  He looks sooooo happy, wishes for a wonderful life for  him!!!!
I hope one of the families is able to take Rico in. I love how he still has that corgi smile after all he's been through. What a trooper he is.
OH FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!!!!!!!!!! There are no words for brutalization like this. It is heartening to see that corgi smile despite the trauma - what a beautiful corgi - those eyes. Best wishes for Rico finding his forever home full of love and FRAPing. Safe travels, Sam.

So glad he made it here and has a family to help him till he finds his forever family(or he might have already) he sure does have a great smile for one who's been through sooooo much:)

:( This is so sad. People really sicken me sometimes.

He's sooo beautiful.. Even without his ears, which was what made me fall in love with the corgi breed in the first place!

We met Rico and his foster mom yesterday at our corgi walk at Stanley Park.  He is a very happy, cute, little boy. 

A Rico update for those who are interested:

Rico is settling into his new home in Seattle. His new family has lots of experience with rescue dogs, volunteers with the Humane Society and has a fenced in yard for Rico to run around in! YAAAH!! 

Here is a video of him playing with his new dog friends on the day he went to join his new family. He is full of joy!

And this video is really short, but really shows of his cuteness!

What a lucky boy!

Thats great that he found a new home, I am really happy for him and wish him luck in his new forever home :)

I can't believe how heartless people can be.  I am so glad that he found a good home!  God bless all those who helped him find a happy, wonderful home.  God has a special place for you...and for the people who lopped off his ears.  Only their's isn't as wonderful of a place.


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