Jax chewed through a live wire, vet says he's OK but he has symptoms...

Hi everyone,

So we just moved into our new place and as we were unpacking, Jax chewed through a wire connected to a power outlet. He received an electric shock, and as soon as we heard him he was immediately unplugged. We took him to the emergency vet, and even our main vet in the morning, and he checked out fine with both. He shows NO signs of neurological damage, heart murmurs, or fluid in his lungs. 

However, ever since the incident he's had a dry, hacking cough. (He's fully vaccinated now, so the vet ruled out kennel cough). We were told the dry cough means he's still fine, and that it probably was due to trauma to the throat. But it's been two days and it's getting worse. He coughs every time he does anything physical--like walking down stairs, walking to get his food, etc. We haven't taken him for a walk because all he'll do is stop and cough.

I'm wondering if anyone else has had experience with a puppy that's gotten an electric shock, or even with heavy coughing? I really want Jax to be ok, he's like my baby and I cringe every time he gets a coughing spell. It's tough to hear he's OK from different vets but I have a gut feeling that something's wrong, whether it's related to the electric shock or not. 

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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I have no clue but I wonder if he got an electrical burn and this is causing the cough? Sage chewed my computer wires as a pup and I lost everything but I didn't catch her and she showed no signs.Sorry...hope he feels better soon!

Hi Ash, so sorry to hear that. Let Jax rest for now, the cough is caused by electric current, it damaged the capillaries of Jax's lungs, which leads to the accumulation of fluid in his air sacs, it is a condition called pulmonary edema. Talk to your vet about Dextromethorphan (suppress cough), see if he can recommend a proper dosage for Jax. A diuretic to get rid of the extra fluid and possibly Theopylline (Bronchodilator) to widen his breathing tube. Speedy recovery!

Thanks Sam for the info! We actually asked the vet about this when we brought him in. He got the Xrays done and to our surprise it's actually kennel cough. He's gotten two rounds of Bordatella vaccines, and even so our vet said that kennel cough is the canine equivalent of our flu--it changes pretty much every year. He's on medicine for a week so I'm sure he'll be right back on his feet in a couple days!

I just want to say good job for taking him to the vet in all instances! I can't say how frustrating it is for me (as a tech) to hear stories like this of people who never even bothered to take their pet to be checked. Good corgi mom! Also glad to hear its only kennel cough and not some lasting damage from the electric shock. I've only seen this happen once in a yorkie puppy and he suffered some pretty severe burns to his mouth but was otherwise fine. Poor Jax


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