Please send corgi prayers/thoughts to Franklin today!-update 2

UPDATE 2: Augh, well Franklin couldn't just heal properly and be done with it! Today I woke up to him pawing at his face and his eye was super swollen and goopy. Just got back from the vet and she thinks he has a clogged tear duct (most likely from debris from the dental). So now I have to try eye drops for 10 days, bring him back in 2 weeks and see if it clears up. If it doesn't clear up it will require yet another procedure with heavy sedation/anesthesia so they can jab a blunt needle in his tear duct and flush it out. Wish he would just heal appropriately for once! I am soooooo grateful for CorgiPals, without them I have no idea what I'd do with these new added expenses. I guess just max out my credit card! Lol. So now I must ask for even MORE corgi healing thoughts and prayers that the meds are enough to unclog the tear duct and that he won't need another procedure!

Well Franklin is doing quite well after his surgery. I keep having to remind him that he still isn't allowed to play fetch for at least another 10 days. It looks so weird that he has this big hole in his mouth now! Paige at CorgiPals posted Franklins story today. Here is the link


I know the power of corgi thoughts, so please send Frank happy healing vibes today. He is going in for his tooth extraction and he does not do well under anesthesia so I am a nervous wreck! Its funny how part of my job (when I have one!) is to tell clients about how relatively safe anesthesia is and to reassure them that things will be ok. Well when its your own dog its a whole different ball game. His health condition makes it so his temperature drops way below what is normal and often they have to give emergency medications because his heart and respiration slow so much. He also has a very difficult recovery and is often trembling and howling up to a full day after the procedure. Please send us happy vibes that he gets through the procedure alright today. I am a nervous wreck and can't imagine my life without my boy so he HAS to do ok today. Ok, off to the vet!

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THANK YOU!!! Every bit helps! I am astonished that in less than 24 hours we are already almost 1/2 way there! Corgi people are a special breed. Words really can't express how grateful I am to everyone who has helped me through this. 

Franklin needs more corgi prayers!

Oh so sorry that Franklin is having complications! It sounds like he and my Sparty have a lot in common. Sparty's surgery was today and the infection in his toe was more extensive than they thought so they had to remove more and he had a cyst under his tongue that had to be removed along with a small cyst on his eye lid. Sooo we can relate to the discomfort and vet bills!

Poor Franklin!  Hopefully the eye drops will work.  :(

Franklin continues to be in my prayers. I'm glad you are getting help financially as well. Kisses, hugs and belly rubs for Franklin.

Goopy eyes/clogged tear ducts respond well to hot compresses -- wet washcloth, heat it in a plastic bag in the microwave.  Remove plastic bag, TEST ON YOUR FACE, possible hot spots.  Hold over eye for as long as dog will tolerate.  2-3x daily?  Labor-intensive, works.

Thank you John!!! I will definitely do this. His eye is REALLY bothering him and he keeps trying to itch it (cone of shame will come out soon if he doesn't stop). I'm sure a warm compress will help make it feel better too. Thanks!

I'm not sure who I'm feeling more sorry for at this point...Franklin or you!  Hang in there...hopefully it'll get better soon!

AND NOOOOOOOOOW he is limping on his right hind leg!!!!! AUGH! He is hopping/non-weight bearing off and on. He's had problems with that leg since he had a muscle biopsy done about 1 1/2 years ago, a vet has done full x-rays of knees/hips/etc and all are fine. He hasn't limped on that leg for almost a year though. :-( I have some rimadyl left over from his extraction so I'm going to give that for a few days and hopefully it will get better on its own. 

Oh no, Franklin and you can't seem to catch a break. :(.
Hope Franklins eye and leg is better soon. 

Poor Franklin!!  Lilly and I are channeling all of our healing prayers and thoughts for you!!!!

Sending my positive vibes over to you and Franklin. I hope all this works and he is out of the woods once and for all!


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