I have been laid up this past week with a painful, debilitating herniated disc. Friends, neighbors and colleagues have been dropping by to help with a variety of things, not the least of which is walking Lucy or just taking her out to go potty. She has handled this very well and I am soooo glad she is such a friendly puppy. It has also helped me a lot for her to FINALLY be able to go down all kinds of stairs.

She has also become quite the barker/woofer at any noise outside my apartment. She hangs out with me in the living room--me on the couch, she in her ex pen--and I wonder if all of her excessive barking is being protective of me, exhibiting good watch puppy (she's 9 months) behavior? Or is it a nervous reaction to the changes in routine in the last week? I'd hate for this disruption to turn her into a neurotic, anxious pup. Any ideas?

I miss my walks with her. Hope to be getting back to it soon after an injection.

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I am sorry you are laid up.  Sounds very painful.


At 9 months she will be starting to exhibit concern for guarding her territory (sometime between 6 and 18 months is normal onset.)   She probably IS more anxious because you are "out of commission" so to speak.  However, Corgis tend to be very alert (often too alert!) watch dogs.  Barking at noises outside is normal behavior.   Getting mildly upset at changes in routine is also normal. 


One of mine is a hyper-alert watch dog and I'd not describe him as nervous.  What works for me is noticing the noise, and saying "Thank you, Jack.  It's ok."    It lets him know he's done his job by alerting me and I've determined all is well.

Thank you, Beth. I do tell her "it's ok" when she is hearing distant voices or a door opening or closing outside the apartment. Her barking and jumping become very different when she hears my friend approach outside with her 2 dogs (another Corgi and a mix) on her way to pick up Lucy for a romp and walk--it's quite noisy but funny. Her excitement is clear. I think I'm begining to figure out some of her vocabulary. At least she has stopped barking at TV doorbells and TV knocks!

I've been out of commission with a back injury recently, and at first, Lloyd seemed pretty nervous. Maybe it was the change in routine (since I was home all day instead of being away at work), lack of attention, or the sense that something was wrong, I don't know.

He seems to do better when he's close by, though. If I'm laying in bed with a book, he naps next to me, or if I'm on the sofa I let him hang out next to me and toss him a tennis ball once in a while. Maybe it lets him feel like he's being my doggy nurse :)

When I've had moments of difficulty (severepain), she gets quiet but she is all alert watvching me carefully. Then she'll come over and lick my toes. If I'm wearing socks, she, of course, pulls them off and then licks my toes! She's so sweet. Thank you for sharing a similar experience.

Hi Laura, so sorry you're laid up!! Hope you're back on your feet soon!

Tommy is 10 months old and VERY responsive to noises outside the house. He will sit on top the couch barking at the closed curtains until you open them up and let him see if anything is out there! 99 percent of the time I have no idea what he even heard!

It's true. Lucy really tries to see what is going on outside. Her own sense of her domain I think extends to the entire building I live in as well as the environs. My windows are three floors up and have deep sills, so she has a hard time seeing out. When the weather is nice, she likes spending time at the screen door of my balcony. When we are outside, I have noticed she barks less, if at all, if she can see the source of the noise. If she hears something out of the ordinary and can't see anything, she will woof. I can only assume that if she is woofing or barking she has actually heard something, because, like you, my human ears don't pick it all up!


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