How far do you usually walk with your corgis? Becca is getting 1-3 miles a day. Sometimes she doesn't act that interested in going she will stop and just look at me. I usually just wait her out and she comes along after a minute. She also stops to look at "scary" things like propane tanks, flags, lamp posts and the dreaded wind chimes. It is hard to tell if she is tired and doesn't want to go or just stopping because she can.

She is in her crate while I am at work. A friend walks her around noon, I never know how far they go. The teenager who takes her out after school on on my late days stays in the yard with her. They run around and play though.

Should I cut back on the walks and see how her energy level is? I have always figured a tired, exercised dog is a happy dog. Her little legs are so short though...

Good news on the cat front. They are getting along great. Mokey rubs along her and head butts Becca when we get back from walks. Becca is very respectful most of the time and pokes her with her nose occasionally.

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I would think if she's in shape and used to walking, that's probably not too much. If she has been kenneled or in the house most of the time, you might need to build up to 3 miles. She's new to you and your area. Give her time to sniff and get acquainted. 

Ellie, at 10 months old, walks for 2-4 miles per day with me.  We started slowly, going at about 1/2 of a mile when she was young and have built up to her current 2-4 miles.  She would really love to walk even more, but 2-4 miles is usually all I have time for during the week.  I make sure to play fetch with her, though, and she also wrestles and chases Yuki around to burn off excess energy.  In my opinion, 1-3 miles is just fine for your pup, but you'll want to build up to it.  Maybe stick to just 1 mile for a month or so and then start to increase it from there.

Our daily loop is about 2 miles, with a pretty good climb and then gradual decline.  How old is Becca now? When Sidney was a year old and younger he was frightful of anything out of place and would stop and bark at the strangest things. Now he walks really well :)

Becca is 8 months old. I know she had regular walks before I got her, but not how far she went daily. The 1-3 miles is broken up into 3 walks. We are taking it easy today. We'll go for a walk later today and I'll let her decide on our route. I guess part of my problem is not knowing how far the dog walker is taking her. He has been varying his route. I try to do at least a half mile before I leave for work, some mornings a mile. I think I will ask him to leave a quick note of how far they go each day. Then I won't overdo it in the afternoon.

In the morning when we walk it is just getting light out and is harder to see. Could this be part of her having to stop and look so often? She doesn't like going potty in the yard while it is dark either.

We only do about a mile of actual leash walking a day, and they go running around the yard whenever they want. It works for us.

Benson and Abbieget at least 5miles a day,we used to go pretty briskly but recently I have slowed the pace a little.Abbie (beagle mix) and Benson love to sniff and check out their surroundings IMO letting them check out their surroundings is probably good mental stimulation for them,it's a nice couple of hours for the three of us,they also get to socialize,(so do I),wouldn't worry about the energy thing should be lots of gas in the tank,age would be the only consideration.

Not really sure of the distance, but Lucy (11 months) and I do  one 50-60 minutes walk per day, plus 1-2 short walks or about 20-30 minutes of outdoor play time with ball or frisbee or stick. This seems to do the trick. If she goes to daycare, she comes home sufficiently exhausted so I'll stick to short walks.

They are pretty sturdy and athletic pups--I think Corgis can take quite a bit.

I don't walk Tucker everyday and Zoey starts lagging after about a block, so I rarely take her. When I do take Tucker we usually walk or run about a mile. He's not exhausted when we get home but it takes the edge off and works for us. They also play and chase each other around the backyard a lot.

You cannot outwalk a fit adult corgi.  I was sternly cautioned against "big physical challenges" until  Al was 1 year old, but the breeder was thinking about the big mountain hikes I'd done with Gwynnie. I think it's mostly growth-plate injury from landing impacts that you want to avoid.  Long gentle walks?  Could that hurt a puppy?  I'm clueless.  

If a dog is NOT "fit", though, it's just like people:  build strength/endurance slowly, don't try a marathon on your first run.

8 months old?  I'd think you could be doing miles.  

Try to discourage leaping off beds, running down stairs.  If hard floors, provide soft nonskid throw-rugs at landing zones.

If your yard is not fenced, make absolutely sure the teenager understands the importance of keeping the dog away from the street.

My yard isn't fenced yet. Hopefully within the next two weeks. It will be a relatively small area 25x25 or so. The teenager I hired is very responsible, Becca is on a leash at all times.

I am on the first floor with wood floors. The only thing she jumps on or off is the couch.

Yesterday I walked Becca a half mile in the morning. She walked well and only stopped at the house with windchimes. In the evening we went 1 1/2-2 miles. I let her choose the pace. She stopped more often, but it is a new route, more things to look at. The last 1/4 mile she lagged. I let her chose the pace and stopped to practice come or sit often. I also talked to my friend who walks her at lunch time. They go a little over a half mile each day.

I think I'll back off a little and go with 1/2 mile each walk. That will give her 1 1/2 miles a day for now. I wonder if she has been so well behaved because I have kept her tired. We are taking today off. It is cold and rainy out. The resident neighborhood stray cat has decided to stay on my porch today as well. He is HUGE and she wants no part of him even if he is friendly.


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