My little guy loves to go outside no matter what the weather. Problem is, when it's the least bit wet outside his underside and chest gets completely covered in mud. We keep a towel by the door and wipe him down when we get in. It's spring now, and that means it's wet nearly every day - I'm looking for a solution to keep the mud levels down because we are going through multiple towels a day. The other day it was so bad he had to have an emergency bath when we got in - can't have a bath every day!
Does anyone know if there's a good rain coat that covers lots of the belly/chest area, or does anyone have another solution to muddy bellies? I'm tempted to try making my own coat / rain cover soon...
Welcome to winter/spring in the Pacific Northwest. Noodles is always covered in mud after taking our jog down at the park. I find it funny because if he has to go potty when we are at home, he will use the rock garden to avoid getting his tummy and piggy toes wet. However when we are down at the park, he loves to run through the grass and getting covered in mud. Sometimes it requires a bath and all I say is "bath tub now" and he heads right up the steps and waits for me to put him in the tub. If he isn't too muddy, he thinks drying/washing him off is a game. I've used baby wipes from time to time if he is really muddy, but mostly we have a shami towel (not sure how you spell it. You get it wet first before you use it to dry things off.) This works wonders because it collects the mud/dirt, hair and water, I rinse it out in the sink and go back to cleaning him. He gives me a low growl, with his nub going the whole time and kisses when I clean his front paws off. He thinks it is fun. Crazy boy!
It is mud time here in Minnesota. Hercules decided to go out into the plowed field, the other day. He was so dirty I took an old plastic storage container out on the deck a put a couple buckets of warm water in it. Then put him in and wash off the mud, then he was just wet. I just can't see getting Hercules into a coat, his fur is so thick I think he would get too warm.
I guess I have just resigned myself to the inevitablity of mud. I also keep "dog towels" (ones I picked up super cheap at the Goodwill and Target--those are strictly Lucy's towels) outside the door to rub her down before she goes in. I still need to sweep regularly and wash her bed frequently. Still, I am amazed at how muddy she can look coming in and within a short period of time...presto,,her paws, chest and belly are white again! How does she do that?
About the washing machine suggestion: surely, one could get Corgi Ear Caps to put on the ears--then you don't have to worry about them getting wet! As for the dishwasher, Lucy is afraid of it when I turn it on, so I imagine buckling her in there would be a bit traumatic. ;)
Some of the hunting sites sell belly guards for dogs that velcro on top. I have just resigned myself to the mud.
Hey everyone - I decided that the coats I could find were too expensive so I tried my hand at making my own. I got a $3 kid's raincoat from a thrift store and modified it to fit Huxley. Took it for a test run today and it was great! (picture attached)
Thanks for the advice - if nothing else it's nice to know there are other people wondering the same thing :)
That is a GREAT idea...thanks...I might just steal that one!
Thats excellent! My new pup is a mud/sand magnet! Something I never have to deal with with Franklin because it all seems to fall right off of him. No amount of toweling can get the sand off of Kirby so a tummy protector would be nice. I was even thinking of doing a clip of his belly hair to so its not so long and thick. hmmmmm......
Ah next to the wood stove. Makes one think...roast corgi, anyone?
Provide access to dead earthworms and other noisome things to roll in. This will keep the belly cleaner.
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