Ahhh! I yelped a new groomers and told him I wanted to trim a little, esp. around the butt area and underside since dirt sticks to it.  I left my baby there and came back to check on him and he was halfway shaved, they shaved his sides but the top and his chest fur was still there... I told him to stop and just trim his butt hairs, they said ok and told me to come back.  When I came back to get my corgi, he was mostly shaved (esp when i told them to stop!) and has a strip of hair like a mohawk down his back. He has about half an inch of hair, and whats worse, they didn't even shave it evenly!!!! UGH!

My corgi is only 1 and is relatively healthy save for a dry eye issue, will his hair grow back? Has anyone experienced this? I am very distressed! I feel too embarrassed to take him any where unless he has a shirt on.  

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I agree with the others - I hope you didn't pay (or received a refund if you paid when you dropped him off), but the hair will definitely grow back.  It's possible the hair may not be the same texture as before, or even might grow in a little less neatly, but it will definitely grow back.  Until then, be careful about having him in the sun for long periods of time.

I'm sure it will grow back fine (maybe a bit slowly) BUT do get a refund!  They did what you specifically asked them NOT to do...twice!  Needless to say, I imagine you won't be taking him back there again.  Also, like the others have said, be extra careful he doesn't get sunburned during the summer.  I'm so sorry, Jeannie!  The poopster will be alright, but do be careful with sun exposure.  And give the groomer hell!

Im so sorry, i know exactly how you feel, this happened to Tucker, when I took him to the groomers last year after we adopted him.  The groomers asked me if I wanted him shaved and I specifically said NO...I don't know how much clearer one can be than that.  Tucker wasn't  completely shaved but still, all I wanted was him washed and blow dryed.  :(  It did grow back, and maybe a bit faster than if he was completely shaved. 

I would get my money back and not go back to that one. The hair will grow back but be carefull about taking him outside

Remy and I want to thank you for all the support and advice.  And no, they did not refund me my money... I guess I didn't raise enough hell, I think I was just in too much shock.  The groomer kept telling me he was half shaved they had to finish him - even though I specifically went back and told them to stop.  But I know now not to ever come back!! I bought him some tshirts and will be buying him some sunscreen...luckily, he spends most of his times indoors, but I really hope it grows back soon.

I have attached pictures, please go easy on us lol...


Poor baby! He looks so embarrassed. The t shirts are a great idea. And if I was you, I'd go on yelp and every review site I could find and give the groomers hell! That they didn't know not to shave a corgi is just crazy.

Oh wow. Poor Remy! Speedy hair growth wishes to you!!


I wonder if those spray-sunscreens are safe for dogs.  They would certainly be faster and easier to apply evenly over growing fur than regular sunscreen.  Anyone know?

Oh my GOD I would be just... beyond livid. I would be spitting and cursing and raising hell if someone did that to my dog, AND TOOK MY MONEY FOR IT. That's just COMPLETELY unacceptable. Is there a way you can really decimate their Yelp rating with a comment? Maybe have some friends comment on it as well? People need to not give their money to this "groomer" because obviously he is just an utter incompetent. That is a shame.

poor baby, what were they thinking that's just awful.  So sorry you had that happen.

All I can say is that social media is your friend. You found them on Yelp....Yelp loudly.



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