I'm so bummed. I had 3 great days with Kirby. He didn't break out of his pen and I came home to a happy dog and a clean house. Today I left for LITERALLY one hour and he had somehow broken out of the pen and shredded my school work. I have 3 huge finals next week and then 2 more the week after, among the destruction were a lot of my school notes. I was so upset, I thought I had finally found a way to keep him confined. Maybe the calming treats really do work, I didn't give him one before I left because I knew I'd only be gone a short time. He also got a 1 1/2 hour run this morning and was pooooooped when we got home. I guess to add insult to injury when I get home when he has destroyed stuff he always pees then runs outside, so not only am I cleaning up all the shredded paper (most of which is really important) I am also having to clean up a line of pee across my living room. A few hours later I set up my skype, left him out, and took Frank on a short 10 min walk. Kirby immediately went for a book on the coffee table and I scolded him through Skype and he was so suprised! Lol. Then he just layed calmly on the couch until we got back. Periodically I would tell him "good boy" when he was laying calming. Maybe I will just start to do this, its what I did with Truck when I left because he used to bark non-stop in his crate, it seemed to have worked to fix that issue, maybe if Kirby gets reprimanded in the act he will stop doing it and when he is praised for good behavior he will start to understand what I'm looking for. Now to figure out how to re-inforce the ex-pen for Houdini
Thanks! I'm going to give them a try!
That really sucks that he decimated your notes before finals. I estimate your stress level must be banging right up against the ceiling by now.
Another dog owner on a forum I used to frequent set up a motion sensor for his couch, as his Lab was still going up on it when left alone for the day. When the sensor would detect movement, it sent a signal to fire a foam dart at the couch (I'm not sure how he set it up, but there you go). I think if you could either monitor him remotely through Skype, or set something up like that, Kirby would have the living daylights surprised out of him and possibly stop being so destructive.
I can't cover the pen because its not set up in a circle/square, more of a line lodged behind various large pieces of furniture. For some reason when its a circle he climbs it but in a line I don't think its stable enough for hiim to climb so the other day I didn't anchor one end well enough and he wedged himself out of one side. This has now been re-inforced with 2 chairs and a wall so he can't sqeeze out that way anymore.
That's why I was thinking put it in a square and add the roof. Honestly what you have now doesn't sound very stable? I'm thinking any determined dog could find a way to budge stuff around just enough to slip out.
I can relate. Becca has started a chewing stage as well as some obnoxious behavior. She lasted 9 work days out of her crate. She destroyed pens, paperbacks, notebooks, door draft thingy. The ultimate naughtiness was chewing the woodwork. I rent, so I felt she had to go back into the crate. I'm debating an ex-pen around her crate and bitter apple for the woodwork. I've sworn at her more in the past week (mostly in my head) than the whole rest of the time I've had her.I'm so sorry about your notes. I have to be very careful with any correcting I bring home. There is something about kids work. My last cat, current cat, and Becca all have wanted to destroy it.
OMG I just had to get up because she was licking the floor then started chewing. I liberally sprayed bitter apple on the spot. Hopefully this is a stage. Good luck with Kirby...
I really like the ex-pen because how I have it set up he can go outside (I have a dog door) or be inside to a very small area. I would not do an ex-pen and a crate because the crate basically just makes a convenient step for the pup to climb up and go right over the side of the pen (learned that on day 1 with Kirby the escape artist). I personally would do one or the other but not both.
Her crate is an extra large, I don't think she would be able to get on top of it. I have put toys up there and she hasn't gotten them. If I got an ex-pen I would use it to close off the corner of the living room where her crate is. I'm trying to use NILF with her. The couch is our current bone of contention. She doesn't want the cat on it at all and has been crowding me. I am getting sick of the "Off" command. She has been getting quite bossy and I want to stop it ASAP. We have class tomorrow and I plan on asking our trainer for tips as well. How is Kirby with your cat? Becca is good with Mokey except for resource possessiveness, and that is becoming more and more of an issue.
I covered the couch cushions and ottoman with heavy duty aluminum foil to keep Griffin off the furniture.
He is generally pretty good when I'm home but I have caught him trying to chase a few times. I've corrected it (and Franklin harrasses them too sometimes so he's not a good teacher). Overall they get along well though. Kirby has no possessiveness at all, he will steal things a lot but if Franklin or I go to get it back he will drop it.
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