Upsurge of interest in Corgis during this year of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee

My husband had a phone call out of the blue yesterday from our local BBC Radio station. They'd found us from the Kennel Club register and I guess this means that we are possibly the only owners of a registered Corgi in the whole of the county of Gloucestershire! Looking at all aspects of the Queen and her life in this Jubilee year, they wanted to know all about the breed and what it was like to live with a Corgi. My husband ended up doing a phone interview with the presenter, talked all about Fox and the pros and cons of the breed.

Interestingly the presenter told him that during her research she had discovered that there has been a huge upsurge of interest in Corgis this year and a demand for puppies. Although great to hear, since Pems and Cardies are both endangered over here in the UK, I wonder whether this will lead to an equally big upsurge in unscrupulous breeders. Let's face it......times are hard and people will do anything for money.




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Ah yes, I remember from before that you said you were over in Bristol from time to time. Apart from our breeder's dogs in South Wales (t'other side of Cardiff in the Vale of Glamorgan) we have seen one Cardiganshire here in Cheltenham (startlingly it walked past our house and I ran out so excited with Fox and nearly gave the poor owner a heart attack!) When up in Cumbria a couple of years back, we saw two tri-coloured Pems. That's the lot.....over a period of nearly 3 years.

I am unaware of any ear cropping for Corgies, though it is done with other breeds such as the humongo Cane Corso.  The usual thing with ears is trying to get them to stand up.  Oddly, Dipper had a bad ear day yesterday, with a floppy ear; today it is up.  

Dipper just turned four months old and is not a big barker.

In the U.S. the breed is ranked about 28th in popularity far below German shepherds, airdales, poodles, pit bulls, chihuahuas and labs, etc.  I'm not sure how accurate this is I did some back of the envelope calculations (taking the number of dogs in the U.S. and the number of people in my town as a baseline) and extrapolated that there should only be two or three Corgis in my town, but the vet says he sees a fair number.  

Breeders distinguish themselves from backyard breeders and puppy mills by, among other things, showing their dogs.  If they can show a pedigree to a show dog that won they can command a higher price.   Showing the dogs also integrates them into the hard core dog owning community which helps distinguish their breeding operation from a puppy mill.  So in the end the breeding standard is very critical.  

The link is to a hard core Corgi resource I'm afraid that most of us here on mycorgi (myself included) don't come close to the PWCCA.  They write:

"16. PWCCA Policy on Tail Banding. The Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of America believes it is and always has been an important part of our breed to have docked or natural bobtailed dogs. We strongly suggest that our puppies’ tails be banded as soon after birth as possible. This causes little discomfort to the puppies and is a totally bloodless procedure. Puppies that have been banded immediately return to normal nursing and settle in with their dam. The Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of America stands firm on our right to raise our puppies as we always have, which includes the banding of tails."

So, although I wouldn't mind if Dipper had a tail, I had the same problem everyone else did: the breeder flat out refused.   She didn't want her reputation associated with a non-docked Corgi.  If you read the PWCCA paragraph you'll see why.   There is a heavy element of tradition, because it has always been this way, we are going to continue doing it this way.  I see very little chance of tail docking being banned in the U.S. because this is the kind of thing Congress would leave to the states and if the states enact individual statutes it becomes hard to enforce because it might be legal in Oregon and illegal in California and who's to say where the dog came from.  

I guess the best way to get an un-docked Corgi would be to buy one in England!  I wonder what the Canadians do.


I note that to join PWCCA you have to not only have a Corgi for five years but have been involved in breeding/showing for four years.  And then you need two sponsors....


“The CANADIAN VETERINARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION opposes surgical alteration of any animal for purely cosmetic purposes... The CVMA recommends that breed associations change their standards so that cosmetic procedures are not required.” 

So far:

Ear cropping / tail docking is only illegal (for licensed vet) in the province of Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Saskatchewan. (British Columbia was proposing in Feb 2012) IT IS NOT a provincial law or federal law, so nothing has changed really, most breeders use the band method and dock the tails themselves in the first place.

"The Canadian Kennel Club does not believe that a ban on ear cropping, tail docking and removal of dewclaws will stop the practice because these services continue to be available in other countries including the United States."  excerpt from official press release.

GPN, I have seen that and I must admit that I was a little taken aback that the club is so pro-docking. I must say that I don't think it should be banned, but I think it should be voluntary and the standard should allow either. I don't understand why it's required.

And I apologize for any misunderstanding about ear cropping. Corgis are NOT cropped; that is done with breeds taht have a naturally down ear and shape to an upright or semi-erect ear. That's why I said if they want an up ear, they should just breed in for one....

Phew...glad to hear that Beth. Ta v. much for putting me right. (0:

I've just looked up The Kennel Club rulings here. I'd mistakenly thought that a Pem could possibly be legally docked in the UK if it could be proved that it was to be a working dog, but that isn't the case. The Corgi breed can not be docked under any circumstances.


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